Saturday, October 19, 2019

10/19/19 Report - New Quarter. Paper Money Grading. Peace Dollar. Small Surf.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

You'll be seeing this quarter in your change before long.


You can get your paper money graded and certified too.

With an unparalleled commitment to accuracy, consistency and integrity, PMG is the world’s largest third-party paper money grading service with more than 4,000,000 notes certified. Every note that PMG grades is backed by the comprehensive PMG guarantee of grade and authenticity, which gives buyers and sellers greater confidence...

Here is the link to learn more.


I never thoroughly inspected my Peace or Morgan Dollars.  I took a good look at one Peace dollar today, a 1926 D, and it was very disappointing.  Not only is it banged up, but it was poorly struck to begin with.  It wasn't very long ago that I learned about the Peace Dollar VAMs.  Now I have more to look for.

1926 Peace Dollar.
The reverse is even worse.  It is struck so poorly you can barely read the legend.

If you compare that with the high-priced Morgan that I showed yesterday, you'll quickly see the difference.

Of course, Peace dollars are generally not as nice as Morgan's, but the 1926 Peace shown above is poor for even a Peace dollar.


Well it is cloudy and drizzly on the Treasure Coast today.  That is because of Nestor, which is up in  the Panhandle area.


We'll be having some calm surf this week.


Unfortunately the tides are small now.  I'd love to see the water back way off.

Happy hunting,