Saturday, November 19, 2016

11/19/16 Report - Site Where Many Reales Found In Past. Seagrape Trail Crossover. Earthen Fort Discovered. Rolls of Dimes.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Ponce De Leon Park
Photos by Darrel S.

Darrel S. recently visited Ponce de Leon Park

Darrel S. recently was up at Ponce de Leon Park and sent these pictures and the following email message yesterday.  Notice the nice dip in the shallow water at the front of the beach.

...first time for my friend. Low was near 5pm. Worked south 1:30pm to 4:30pm. A lot of curious gorges. Everyone kept asking if we were looking for a wreck. Boats have magged in this area. Many reales found here, but none today.

Thanks Darrel!


I received this email from Shannon F. a couple of days ago.

I detected 3 1715 beaches on Monday and found something I thought I would share. Someone thought it would be cute to evenly distribute about 2 rolls of dimes total along the 3 beaches I detected. The first 10 or so I didn't think much about but the next 60-70 threw up a few red flags. I dug them to save the next guy with a PI the headache. They all hit the same on my CTX and had only been there a day or so. Where I come from we call this sort of thing Bad Karma.


SuperRick sent this photo of the crossover at Seagrape Trail a couple of days ago.  It might explain the beach closing.

Seagrape Trail Crossover
Photo by SuperRick.
Thanks Rick.


A mysterious earthen fort was recently discovered on a South Carolina island.

Routine GIS mapping of ancient Native American shell rings in the region between Beaufort, SC and Savannah, GA revealed the walls and moat of a fort that appears to date from the late 1500s.  It is adjacent to a man-made port on an island that is already a designated a Native American archaeological zone. 
The builders of this fort chose a location that was impossible to see from either the Atlantic Ocean or Port Royal Sound.  This suggests that they might have been hiding from the powerful Spanish fleet...
Satellite Image of the Fort.
Submitted by Dan B.
Here is the link for more about the discovery of the fort.

Thanks to Dan B. for sending me this link and image!


I was doing a little traveling and didn't get a post done yesterday.  I don't miss many days, but that was one of them.  

It looks like we're going to have nothing bigger than a four 2 -4 foot surf on the Treasure Coast for the next couple of weeks.  

Thanksgiving always brings to mind the legendary Thanksgiving storm that produced so many treasure coins.

Thanks much to all of those who contributed to today's post.

Happy hunting,