Friday, November 4, 2016

11/4/16 Report - Real Found This Week. Corrigan's Beach Status and Fakes Found. Higher Surf Coming Soon.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Find and photo by Brent P.
Brent found the above while hunting modern jewelry north of Cocoa.  He hasn't yet determined if it is real.  Certainly looks more real than most fakes.  I'll take a closer look later.

At first glance it looks like a 1696 (really unsure about that) Potosi.  If that isn't the precise date, from the design I'd suspect that it is close.  Can't see the assayer mark, which would help.

I've mentioned several times that North Florida was more heavily affected by Matthew than the Treasure Coast.

Let us know when you have a positive ID Brent.  Thanks for sharing.

Locally the surf has been up and we've had a good amount of wind.


I got a report that at Corrigan's the blue bags were showing at Corrigan's.  That is a good sign.

Corrigan's at Low Tide.
Photo by Darrel S.
There was also black sand, which is another good indicator.

Black Sand At Corrigan's.
Photo by Darrel S.

Darrel said he found some fake reales.  He tested them with a magnet.  That is a good first test.

Conditions there look good enough that a few real reales might be found as well.

It looks like that beach got better this week than immediately after Matthew.

Thanks to Darrel S. for the report.



As you can see we're supposed to get 4 -7 foot surf Sunday and Monday and possibly a northeast wind.  On top of all the high surf we've been having lately that could be good.  We'll see.

Happy hunting,