Laura Stolia presents a photo of a much larger silver candlestick in her book on the Marigalera. It was found in the water south of the Spring of Whitby site. Again, you can get the Strolia book on Amazon.
There is also a silver plate now offered on eBay with a Fisher COA.
A few days ago I presented a scan pattern for finding and working coin lines or holes on the beach. Water conditions can make metal detecting in the water more difficult, and it is always a little different. As a result, different scan patterns can be useful.

Coin lines and coin holes can occur in the water as well as on the beach. In fact, due to the constant affect of moving water and sand, coin holes are more often found in the water. And when I say coin hole, that doesn't mean that other things won't be found in those holes.
When the water is on the rough side and visibility is not good, you need a way to keep track of where you are and where you were in the water. You can find landmarks to use, such as rocks or other features, or you can make your own, but sometimes you have to go by feel.
The above illustration shows one useful scan pattern for metal detecting when wading in rough water. In the middle of the spiral is a circle. The circle represents a hole that was dug to retrieve object X.
After digging the hole you have a landmark that you can use even when you can't see it.
Either stick your foot in the hole, or stick your scoop into the sand at the bottom of the hole and keep track of the hole that way.
Then spiral around the hole looking for additional targets to determine if the target was a part of a coin line or coin hole. Keep your scoop in the hole as you circle around the hole.
If you find additional targets while spiraling out further from the hole, there is the possibility that the target is a part of a line or hole.
In the illustration you can see that two other targets where found leading in one direction. If that happens, when you spiral out as far as you can, you can make one of the new holes the new center to begin another spiral.
It is advantageous to use a wood handle or other handle that will float upright by itself. If you let it go and when there is a little sand in the scoop it will under most conditions remain stationary to mark your spot even if you let go of it.
Even if a target is not a part of a coin line or coin hole, it is always worth closely checking the immediate area of any find. When there is one target there is an increased probability of a second.
That is one technique that works well in rough water with low visibility.
There is a lot to learn about metal detecting in the water, and there are many different strategies and techniques that work well under different circumstances.
Forecast and Conditions.
There is not much going on that will change things signficantly on the beaches. The water is calm and there is no immediate change in sight.
Seas are expected to be around three feet for a couple of days and then decreasing from there.
I like the continuing north/northeast winds. Even if it is not cutting the beaches, it is moving some of the sand in front of the beach.
This is a good time of year to see things begin to change though. Scout out the beaches now so you know what they are like before something begins to happen.
Happy hunting,