I don't know when this happened exactly. It could have been a day or two ago, or yesterday when we had that little storm pass through. In any case, there was a little erosion out there this morning. Not enough for me to change my conditions rating.
I guess this was a day for surprises. The survey results surprised me too.
As you can see from the survey results, most of those who have found silver reales on the Treasure Coast have found 8 reales as their largest denomination (over 70%). That number surprises me a bit. I expected that there woiud have been more people who found only smaller denomination cobs, but the survey seems to be consistent with Alan Craig's book about the silver coins in the Florida Collection.
I thought the Silver Coins in the Florida Collection book over represented the larger denominations, but I guess not. There must be a closer correlation between reales found in the ocean and those found on the beach than I thought. Live and learn.
Some beaches, such as Bonsteel Park, are known for their small cobs and produce very few larger cobs.
Here is something else you don't see very often.

Giant Squid on the Beach.
Well he really isn't giant - only about three feet long. I don't remember ever seeing a squid on the beach before.
There were some huge turtle tracks too. Looked like a bulldozer drove up the beach. Not quite, but it evidently was a very big turtle, judging from the tracks. I wish I had seen her.
If you are holding onto your silver, you might know that silver prices have been doing very well.
I remember when gold was under $300 an ounce. You would have some decent gains if you have been holding gold for a while.

Here's looking at you.
Probably not a pirate after all. Seems to have two good eyes and no patch.
You can find a lot of sunglasses in the dips just in front of the beach. These were washed up with the shells and then uncovered.
Someone asked what criteria I use when sampling a beach. That is a good question. The answer isn't real simple. I'll try to answer the question in this blog before long though.
What I'll say now is that I divide the beach into three zones. First, in the water, second, wet sand, and third, dry sand.
I hunt each of those differently and evaluate each of them differently.
I'll get into all of that some time in the future.

Here we go again. I should become a sand salesman. Seems like there is no shortage of money for more and more sand during the great depression.
It won't stay on the beach very long but will cover up everything near shore for quite a distance in time.
Funny thing is, it looks like the beach will be closed for the tourists on Easter Break. Isn't the sand meant to draw tourists?
I was talking the other day to a guy on the beach who used to go to Bathtub beach to hunt shells. He said the sand they dumped there was killing the coral that they protect so much and generally ruined the shell hunting.
Treasure Coast Beach Forecast and Conditions.
As I showed in the first photo today, there was some scattered erosion to be found. It was mostly small and out to the east in recently accumulated sand. The sand in front of the cuts was mushy.
There were still some shell piles to eye-ball and to detect around. I was finding some rather large old pieces of shapeless iron on the beach fronts by the shell piles today. There could be something interesting in areas like that.
The sea will slacken off tomorrow, dropping down to about 1.5 feet even though the wind will continue from the east. The calm seas will last all the way through the weekend.
Good time to water hunt, or check the front beaches at low tide or hunt a busy Spring Break beach.
Happy hunting,