Written by TreasureGuide@comcast.net for the exclusive use of treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com.

I just thought this was neat. I was hiking in the Grand Tetons one day not long ago, and this mule train came through. I enjoyed seeing it.
They were in three groups of five. I don't know what they were carrying. I saw them another day too at a different location - Cascade Canyon.
Back to the Treasure Coast. I went to the beach near low tide yesterday. I hadn't been out for a few days and wanted to see what things were like. I told you about that yesterday.
Anyhow, I noticed something about thirty yards up ahead that caught my attention.
Here is what I saw.

It turned out to by a dive watch with a broken band. It is still working nicely.
I like eye-balling and take pride in it. I'd rather detect an item visually than dig a mile for it.
You can find a lot without a detector.
I wrote a couple articles for treasure magazines on eyeballing.
You can find a lot of coins and things just walking around looking. You might be surprised. Everything from ear rings, to gold chains, to watches and coins and musket balls.
There are times and places when eye balling is especially good.
One is after a good wind blows the top layer of sand off the beach.
Another is when you have some good erosion.
Or after a carnival leaves.
There are a lot of times to just look around.
Sometimes you can find things visually in areas where you aren't allowed to detect.
One time sticks out in my memory is when I was driving and saw something on the road ahead. I thought it looked like it might be a watch. I pulled up beside it, opened the door and picked up the watch without even getting out of the car.
My point is to keep your eyes open. You can scan more area visually than you can cover with a detector coil.
There is a skill to it that can be developed with practice. Your eyes will become tuned to anything unnatural looking.
I went out to the beach this morning. There were a lot of targets out there. Mostly junk again.
Sometimes I do what I call mucking around. That is when I go where I know or suspect that there is a lot of a certain type of junk and pick it up looking for anything that might be more interesting that might be in with the junk.
This morning I went where there were a lot of iron targets. Some where broken iron spikes. There was also some copper sheathing.
Not only do I like finding good spikes (most that I found today were broken iron spikes) but it can also tell something about the concentration of shipwreck materials. I'll use that information in the future.
I also picked up some fossils and sea glass. I had fun mucking around.
I thought for a minute that I found a meteorite. It looked like one. I'm less confident now that is what it is, but I don't know what it is.
Talking about meteorites. One TV show that I like to watch is the show where these two fellows travel the world with their detector looking for meteorites. The last show I watched, they had every technology known to man, including subsurface radar. They looked and looked with all of this high tech equipment and didn't find hardly a thing. They were discouraged and decided to leave. In the vehicle as they left, they started to see meteorites on the road.
It seems the road was constructed of dirt that was dug up where the meteorites were, and now they were all over the little make-shift road.
Their expensive high tech equipment failed them, then they eye-balled a bonanza on the road.
That's the way it goes sometimes. Don't miss the lessons in that story.
Treasure Coast Beach Forecast and Conditions.
If you are interested in spikes things like that, it seems there are still a good number out there. I found mine on the front of the beach near the water line.
Katia is headed towards the North Atlantic and away from us.
The next big tropical wave could develop and head our way, but it is still too far away to project.
The wind is from the south and the seas calm. Tomorrow morning is supposed to bring 5.5 foot seas if the surf web sites are correct. The high seas won't last long, and the wind probably won't be right, so I'm not expecting much from that, but you might want to take a look tomorrow afternoon.
Happy hunting,