There are a lot of topics I could talk about today. I'll have to select just a few and let the others wait for another day.
First, I'll show what the beach looked like this morning on the Treasure Coast. Just what you would expect for summer - lots of sand. Also some shells, and nice calm water with good visibility.
It would make for some easy water hunting, even if the bottom is sandy. With the recent holiday and the hot weather, there should be some recent drops anyhow.
As you would expect with the current conditions, there were some good shell piles, containing a few interesting items, such as sea glass, small pieces of fossils, a few shards, and even some pieces of sheathing and some conglomerates and iron items.
Back in my February 17, 2012 post in this blog, Kevin B. provided great information on how to identify these types of shells.
It seems there is consensus and some very good information on yesterday's mystery find. Just after posting yesterday's post, it occurred to me that it looked a lot like a jig head. "Barracuda" already made me think of vintage fishing equipment because I had found some Barracuda fishing items in the past.
I was a little afraid that mentioning that information in the blog might influence other people and didn't know if I should have done that. It seems now that it didn't matter.
I received the following photo from Michael T.
Good match, wouldn't you say?
Thanks Michael.
Thanks also to David S. and all of you who responded with information on this item. Putting it all together makes me confident that we have the true identity.
The 5th Annual Treasure Coast Waterway cleanup will be on Saturday
July 21, 2012 from 8 AM to 1230 PM. For information call 772-285-1646, or go to www.
I advise all of you detectorists and archaeologists to get out there and clean up the waterways.
That's all for today. I'll have to keep my other topics for another day.
Happy hunting,