Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com.
That can really pay off.
This infantry button is a nice find by William M., who commented that research and a lot of walking pays off.
From top to bottom: Front of the newly found button, back of the newly found button, and example to show what it would look like in better condition.
He made this find yesterday.
Not only is the button a nice find, but it also tells him that his research was good, the site is a good place to detect, and there is probably more where that came from.
Part of the value of a find is what it tells you about the site.
Nice find William!
When you get in a rut and when the beach conditions are poor, it is always good to think outside the box, find a place where a good promising area where everybody else isn't detecting everyday, and you might find a nice new site for yourself.
You probably know the story of the California Gold Rush and the 49ers. Well, they are now going back to the area of Sutter's Mill hoping to mine that area again, but this time with new technology.
Here is a link to that story.
You might recall my discussion of the ordinances proposed by Cocoa Beach regarding digging holes at the beach. I few days ago I posted a link to a News 13 article on the subject and a link to the relevant 2012 Cocoa Beach municipal ordinances.
The Cocoa Beach City Commission had a reading of the proposed modified ordinances for the public a week or so ago and expect to have a second reading on May 2 at City Hall. The meeting will start at 7 PM.
Here is a link to a more thorough News 13 article than the one I previously posted on the subject.
And here is a link to the current municipal ordinances.
From what I gather, and don't rely solely on me to get this all straight, it appears that the new ordinance will be that holes will not be allowed over 18 inches - or deeper than the knees of the shortest person in the group. Any holes are also to be completely filled before leaving the beach.
The way to make sure you get all the details and have a chance to provide input is through the City Commission, so you should be sure to have good representation at the reading.
Here is another article on the origins of the Maya civilizations.
I'm still looking for a good name for the fellow in yesterday's petroglyph.
On the Treasure Coast today, the surf is about 3 - 4 feet.
The low tide should be good and low. That will be this afternoon.
According to the surfing web sites, it still looks like we could have up to a 7 foot surf on Sunday. They have the big surf predicted for early in the morning, slacking off mid-day, and then big in the evening.
There is still hope that might help improve beach conditions.