Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com.
Very Nice Collection of Shipwreck Spikes, Pins, Nails etc. Found by Ken D.
Photo submitted by Ken D. |
Thanks for sharing Ken. That is one nice collection. And great photo.
Ken said he found the fat one shown near the middle of the photo while he was hunting tropical fish when he was 14. He got hooked on treasure hunting then and is still at it at 53.
Take a good look. There is a very nice variety shown here. Note the different shapes, sizes and all of the different types of heads.
That fat one is a really neat example.
Imagine how much force it took to bend a lot of those.
Also notice the copper pins at the top center of the photo.
Yesterday I mentioned the Native American pot shard collection of William M. Different people start out hunting and end up accumulating different types of things. Part of it is where they live and hunt, some of it is due to what they are interested in, the good spots that they happen to stumble onto, and to some degree how they hunt.
If you start out metal detecting for coins and jewelry, there is a good chance you'll miss spikes and things like this. You might pass over large or iron targets, knowing that they aren't either coins or jewelry from the signal.
As I think back to my early days I could have missed a good number of things such as shipwreck spikes. I was targeting gold jewelry and that took me to detecting areas where that is what I would most likely find, and I, as I said, I could have passed them up because they didn't sound anything like the things I was targeting. I wouldn't pass up targets like that today. Now I dig most everything unless there is a particular reason.
I'm still looking through ten pages of recently found metal detecting records. I just noticed a couple days that I remember fairly well.
I enjoy going over my records, but I post it not only because you might find it interesting, but I select things that might make a point or illustrate something that I've said.
In my records I see that on September 8 of 1988 (I'll have to look at the order and figure that out) I went to a large park and detected most of the sandy areas, mostly volleyball courts, and logged a 14K kissing rams ear ring (I don't know what that is exactly now), 2 cheap rings, a heart locket, and Sterling Star of David charm. The next day, 9/9, I went back to the same park but this time detected the swimming area and logged a small Sterling turquoise ring, small Sterling signet ring, and an 18K bracelet.
The man's bracelet was heavy and by far the best find of these. I remember detecting it and fanning the sand away and then seeing it appear.
I was using the 1280. Hmmm, thought I had my favorite Nautilus at that point, but it looks like I chose the 1280 for some reason.
I would occasionally select a detector for a specific situation. I'm thinking that the 1280 was a little more compact, which might have been why I selected it. I think I probably shortened the handle and worked under the water with a face mask so I wouldn't be so obvious. That is often a good choice. But as I recall there weren't many people at the swimming hole that day, which is what I prefer. As I've said in the past, I prefer to not be too noticeable. It is better to draw a lot of attention. Kids and people in general can get in the way when you are trying to work.
Again, if you want to look back over the years, make your records more complete and clear than you
now might think you need too. Some things won't be as easy to decipher years later.
At that park, they had sprinklers that came on every day in the morning and I liked to visit the sandy areas after the sprinklers had just watered the sandy areas. It was not unusual to see a thin chain or something that had been uncovered by the sprinklers. It is good to look at sandy areas after a good rain too.
I also used to record finds by taking photos, but should have linked the photos by number, date or something to the written records.
You are getting the benefit of experience here. That is something I've learned that most people will pretty much ignore until they learn the same lesson for themselves.
An old log boat (just how old is any body's guess) was found in the Boyne River while shopping carts were being removed from the river.
This from the Irish Times makes a number of interesting points.
I was just talking about junk areas the other day, and these fellows while removing junk find something much more interesting.
It can be worth sifting through junky areas. You never know what you might find there if you have the patience and skill.
Secondly this article mentions that they might find more of those boats in the same area because they could have been washed down the river and got stuck there. Once again, a good point. Never forget the power of water to move things, and how things tend to accumulate in one area when water does move things.
Tomorrow I'll probably post some more shipwreck spike finds.
Somehow my posts got fouled up. I don't know if this one was posted before or not. If it did get posted, I think it was posted on the wrong day.