Friday, May 31, 2013

5/31/13 Report - Treasure Coast Beach Detecting Conditions Upgraded to a 2.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Yesterday I told you that I was upgrading my Treasure Coast Treasure Beach Detecting Conditions Rating.  I needed to look at more of the beaches before I put a numerical rating on it.

Yesterday I had a hard time deciding if it should be a 2 or 3 rating.  After looking at more beaches this morning, I've decided the conditions upgrade should be to a 2.  There are however some areas that are a good 3, but overall, I have to go with a 2 rating.

As you may know, my rating scale is a five point scale ranging form 1 (poor) to a 5, indicating excellent conditions.

To give some context, I rated Sandy as a 3, but in retrospect, and all things considered, it was near a 4.

If I used fractions, I would rate conditions today as being maybe a 2.5, considering that there are some 3 level areas, but most I would rate as a 2.

Here is one big long cut on South Hutchinson Island.  Of course the replenishment sand is disappearing.  I suggested that would b happening a few days ago and showed some exposed turtle nests.

Nettles Island Area.
Photo by Joan T.

The best beach that I saw had hundreds of yards of 4 to 7 foot cuts.  That beach I would rate as a strong 3. That was not typical of what I saw around the Treasure Coast though.

Face of Cut About Seven Feet High Yesterday Afternoon.
Curvature due to wide angle lens.

Below is a photo looking north from Seagrape Trail.  The cut here is not continuous.  The maximum cut was about three feet high, but much of it had not cliff at all.

Seagrape Trail Looking North This Morning.

Turtle Trail Looking North This Morning.
Small Cut.
 Shells could be found at many beaches, especially Seagrape.  Also there was sea glass there.  If you like shells, I'd recommend Seagrape or Ambersands.

I talked to Joe at Seagrape this morning.  He was carrying an Excal.

Sea glass and a fossil was found at Ambersands, which had very little new erosion.

Shells on One South Hutchinson Island Beach Near Low Tide.

Boat on the Beach This Morning North of Seagrape.

Below is a cob found yesterday afternoon.  Typical small Mexican silver reale.  

Cob Found on Treasure Coast Yesterday.

The surf is around 3 - 5 feet today.  Tomorrow it will be decreasing slightly.  I don't expect any significant change in conditions until at least tomorrow.

Happy hunting,