Friday, May 1, 2015

5/1/15 Report - Found & Returned Wedding Band. New Unusual Collectible That You Might Not Know About.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Whatzit Metal Object Exercise.

Michael Sonsogno's heart sank as he helplessly watched his wedding ring roll down the Lauderdale-By-The-Sea pier and fall through a crack and into the water.  It came of while he was washing his hands on the pier back in January.
He paid $600 to two divers with metal detectors to hunt for the ring, but they didn't find it.
On April 25 118 volunteer divers participated in a pier clean-up hosted by a group called Stoked on Salt.

Tons of junk were removed.  One of the volunteer divers found the gold ring tangled in fishing line and junk.  The ring was returned.

Here is the link for the entire story.

The paid divers undoubtedly had a tough time finding the ring because of the tons of junk under the pier.  Could you imagine all of the sinkers and fish hooks under the pier?

Removing junk is often the best thing do to - in more ways than one.  

I always say, turn obstacles into opportunities.  What discourages or prevents others can help you if you approach the problem a different way.

Think about it.

[I made a correction to the description of the ring after Mitch K. pointed out an error.  Thanks Mitch.]

The gold coin pictured in yesterday's post has been tested and was found to be fake.

Interesting find that I'm sure Robert will remember for a long time.

At the top of the post is a picture of a metal tag.  Do you know what it is?  Maybe a token?  

It's a furniture tag.  

Beginning around mid-century, the advent of the factory system meant most furniture was made in a commercial facility under the auspices of a company name and very few individual craftsmen labeled their product. Even the companies of the time were a little lax in marking the work. By the end of the century, people like Gustav Stickley and the major manufacturers in Grand Rapids, Cincinnati and Chicago had developed elaborate logos and trademarks and few quality items escaped some sort of identification. This has been a boon to modern collectors, giving them the start of a trail of clues to establish age and origin of older furniture.

But like so many things of the 20th century, what started as a simple method of marking furniture quickly became confusing by the second decade. Finding a label on a piece of furniture now means that the collector has to know what kind of label it is to decipher its meaning.
Labels found on 20th-century furniture generally fall into three categories—Manufacturers, Retailers and Associations.
Here is the link for the entire article.

But so what?

The April 29 issue of Kovels Komments says the following.

Unexpected “collectibles” are sometimes sold for good prices, so be careful what you discard. A group of original tags from old furniture sold one at a time in eBay auctions. A Berkey & Gay tag brought $22. A Globe-Werneke Sectional Bookcase label was only 99¢. The 50 tags and labels sold for a total of $573...

It pays to know what things might be worth.

As I think over the many mystery items I've looked at, I'm not so sure that I haven't seen one or two furniture tags without knowing what they were.


On the Treasure Coast the surf will increase a little this weekend.  At this point they are now predicting up to an eight foot surf about a week from now.  Wouldn't that be nice?

Happy hunting,