Friday, July 17, 2015

7/17/15 Report - Treasure Salvors Au Dreamers and Capitana Most Recent Treasure Coast Finds On The Cabin Wreck.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Treasure Coast Finds By The Crew Of The Capitana.
Photo submitted by Captain Jonah Martinez.

Yesterday I mentioned that the crew of the Capitana was still finding things.  Here are some, not nearly all, of the musket balls and a nice olive jar top that they found.

Captain Jonah sent this photo with the following message.

Thought this was interesting the other day our first hole Bill found 90 musket balls also more throughout the day. Our great weather is letting us dig most every day for the last 36 days. 

Thanks Captain!  I always say there is always some place to hunt and something to be found.  While this weather has been bad for beach hunting, it has been good for the salvage crews.

 It must have taken Bill a little while to pick up 90 musket balls.  Signals going off everywhere.  We're all waiting to see what you find next.

Treasure Coast Find By Au Dreamers
Photo Submitted by Captain Jonah.

There are four boats working the Cabin Wreck these days.

Au Dreamers is one.  They found this nice ceramic piece with handle.   You can see the horizontal depressions around it.  Very nice.

Another find made by the crew of Au Dreamers is shown below.

There are several good books and studies on olive jars and Spanish colonial ceramics.   Marken's book is one.  Also the Odyssey Marine study on the ceramics of the Tortugas wreck.

Here is one link if you want to read about olive jars. Lost of good pictures too.

Silver Fork Found  By Au Dreamers
Photo submitted by Captain Jonah.
The word “fork” comes from the Latin “furca” and the Old English “forca”. Small forks used for eating first appeared in Tuscany in the 11th century, but they were still a rarity in Italy by the 14th century...

...In late 17th Century France, larger forks with four curved tines were developed. The additional tines made diners less likely to drop food, and the curved tines served as a scoop so people did not have to constantly switch to a spoon while eating. By the early 19th Century, multi-tined forks had also been developed in Germany and England and slowly began to spread to America.

In 1630, Governor Winthrop of the Massachusetts Bay Colony had the first and only fork in colonial America.
In the early 18th century, the four-tined fork had become the rule in Germany. In England, however, forks still have two tines and are not so helpful for scooping up bites of food.
In Europe at the mid-18th century, the fork has achieved the form which is now most familiar, four curved tines..
The above excerpts came from the web site linked as follows.

The above fork has four tines, but do not seem to be curved.


The surf is almost unbelievable along the Treasure Coast.  Just very small swells. The beaches and surf are pretty clean though.  Nothing but a few remaining recent drops.  

No real change in the forecast yet.

Happy hunting.