Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com.
Dariusz Fijalkowski , Mateusz Nowak, Andrew Winter, Tobiasz Nowak. Four amateur metal detectorists have uncovered a hoard of 14th-century coins in a field in Hambleden, Buckinghamshire- worth an estimated £150,000. (Credit: SWNS)
A group of amateur treasure hunters in England found a hoard of gold and silver coins from the 14th-century that could be worth nearly $200,000 according to experts.
38-year-old Andrew Winter and three of his friends found the coins, more than 550 in total, in Buckinghamshire, including 12 “orantely decorated” silver Edward I and II coins, SWNS reports...
For more -
Thanks to Dean and Marie R. for that link.
Turtle Reef
Photo by Mike A.
In the book of John, chapter 18, verse 38, Pilate asked, "What is truth?"
What an important question! What a challenging question!
The question underlies every other important question, whether today or thousands of years ago.
Just this week the Mueller report provided a present-day example. One side thinks the report means one thing, and the other side thinks it means the opposite. But what is the truth? Or does anybody care? Maybe they don't even think there is such a thing as truth. No wonder there is so much disagreement and confusion.
Maybe they just don't want to acknowledge truth, because it might be inconvenient - or disturbing.
Today it seems that nearly everybody has "their" truth and thinks they have a right, if not an obligation, to tell it. But isn't there a higher or better standard?
I just read a story about the crown of thorns that was saved from the Cathedral of Notre Dame. The article asked if it is the "real" crown of thorns. The article gives a lot of the history of the relic, which is truly impressive. I think you'll want to read it.
Below is an excerpt.
It [the crown of thorns] has been discussed as a relic since the fifth century, and was
transferred from Jerusalem to Constantinople by 1063.
French King Louis IX (Saint Louis) brought the relic to Paris in 1238 and directed construction of
what is known as Sainte-Chapelle to house it. It was later placed in the cathedral. Thus, if accounts are accurate, we know that a long time ago it had been brought to Paris by way of Jerusalem and Constantinople — through which many relics, including the Shroud, have passed.
The last line of the same article suggests an answer to the question posed by Pilate. It refers to a verse in chapter seven of the book of Matthew that reads, You will know them by their fruits.
The verse refers to a specific situation and two groups of people, but the principle can be applied more generally. Truth and lies both bear fruit, and you can distinguish them by their fruits.
To read more about the crown of thorns, here is the link.
https://spiritdailyblog.com/news/that-crown-of-thorns --- Happy Easter, TreasrueGuide@comcast.net