Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com.
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Part of Staffordshire Hoard
Source: TheGuardian.com (See link below)
The Staffordshire Hoard is being analyzed by archaeologists.
… The archaeologists have even tentatively identified the Mercian king they believe may have once owned the booty, and can draw a tantalising link to the dynasty of the rival Anglo-Saxon ruler who was buried at Sutton Hoo, Britain’s most famous site of the period.
Dating from the period AD600-AD650, when the kingdoms of Anglo-Saxon England were battling for prominence, the Staffordshire find is in essence a “war hoard”, says Fern, consisting of spectacular items the experts believe were captured in battle by armies from the kingdom of Mercia, at the expense of neighbouring Northumbria and East Anglia...
Here is the link if you want to learn more about that.https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2019/nov/01/staffordshire-hoard-archaeologists-academic-research-gold-ornaments
Drone-mounted lasers have revealed details of the architecture of an ancient island settlement off Florida’s Gulf coast, researchers said in a new paper published on Monday...
Although archaeological objects were first spotted on the island in about 1990, and subsequent exploration of the area in 2010 revealed the presence of a settlement dating from 900 to 1200 CE, Lidar scanning revealed previously unknown architectural details...
Here is the link for the rest of the article.https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/nov/04/drone-lasers-ancient-settlement-florida-lidar-archaeology
I found out it is Raleigh Island.
See https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/11/a-drone-helped-archaeologists-discover-a-lost-florida-island-settlement/
I received an email from Glen S. pointing out a mistake I made in yesterday's post when I posted an image of the stylized Carlos monogram as it would appear on a Lima half reale. As a result I went back and made corrections to yesterday's post.
Thanks Glen!
Yesterday I did not intend to get into the differences you will see on Carlos half reales produced by the mints of Lima, Mexico and Potosi. There are features that distinguish cobs, and specifically Carlos half reales, produced by the different mints. Although I was talking mostly about the monograms yesterday, both the obverse and reverse sides show features that distinguish between half reales produced by the three mints.
While looking for stylized images of the Carlos monograms for each mint that I could use as illustraitons, I found an excellent YouTube video that shows how you can tell which of the mints produced a particular Carlos half reale.
One of the easiest ways to identify a Mexico minted half reale is from the Florenza cross. On almost all half reales you can see at least one end of the cross, which is enough to tell you if it came from the Mexico mint or not. It is the Mexico minted Carlos half reales that show what I described yesterday as a fishhook on the end of the C.
The shape of the castles and lions is one way to distinguish between the Lima and Postosi half reales, and the shape of the elipses is another.
Rather than trying to describe all of the distinguishing features in this post, here is a link to the YouTube video posted by CaptainMyCaptain.
Very nice video. I usually prefer text to videos, but this video is concise. No time wasted getting to the point.
You have easy access to a lot of really good information these days. I wish I had that back a few decades ago.
By the way, two of the Carlos half reales I showed yesterday were found on John Brooks beach, where I found mostly cobs from the Mexico mint and many more Philip than Carlos half reales. Without an exact count, I'd guess that I probably found four or five times as many Philip than Carlos half reales at John Brooks.
DJ sent me a copy of a letter from the town clerk of Indian River Shores which included the following items of interest.
- The Tracking Station Park and adjacent beach entrances have been closed and will remain closed for approximately two weeks as the Sector 5 segment of the beach renourishment project commences.
- Jungle Trail has been reopened following the shoreline stabilization project.
Thanks DJ.
MagicSeaWeed is predicting a high surf for Saturday.
Source: MagicSeaWeed.com. |
The tides are still pretty flat.
Happy hunting,