Have you been watching Gold Rush Alaska on the Discovery channel? Some of you might think that mining gold in Alaska has nothing to do with metal detecting on the Treasure Coast, but there are always things you can learn.
I often say it is like cross-training in athletics. Training in one sport will help you develop skills that you can use in another sport. I believe treasure hunting is like that. You can always learn something from one type of treasure hunting that will apply to another type of treasure hunting, and I recommend participating in as many different types of treasure hunting as you can.
If you saw the Gold Rush Alaska series you saw that the bigger concentrations of gold were down near bedrock. Gold tends to work its way deeper over time until it gets trapped. That is the same whether you are hunting gold on a beach or in an old stream bed. Gold will tend to work its way deeper over time, and materials will tend to separate on the basis of density and other characteristics.
I think I would have gone about mining Porcupine Creek entirely differently from the way the guys in the series did it. I don't know if I would have been successful or not, but I know I would have gone about it a lot differently.
One thing I really enjoy about treasure hunting is the problem solving process - figuring out where the treasure is and how to get it.
People are different and they do things differently. That is the same whether it is in Alaska or on a Treasure Coast beach. On the beach, you see some people who seem to wonder around randomly, others grid out an area and work it very systematically and others use various combinations.
Detectors are different, but they work pretty much the same and have pretty much the same capabilities. They do have different strengths and weaknesses, but the differences in what they can do aren't huge. There is just more variation in how people use detectors than there is in the capabilities of different detectors. In other words, the operator generally has more to do with the rate of success than differences in detectors.
If you have a reasonably good detector, how you use the detector you have is more important than which detector you have.
I enjoy trying out different kinds of detectors. I don't know why, but I always like to use a new and different type of detector. I guess I just like to find out what they'll do and how they work. But when it comes down to finding treasure, it is more about figuring out where the treasure is.
A detector is more of a pin-pointing tool. Face it, you have to get the coil of a detector within inches of the target to detect a target. And that is the trick - narrowing down all of those square miles of beach so you have the best chance of putting your coil within a few inches of a treasure.
If you do a random search, like the blind hog that finds an acorn, you might find something, but to improve your chances and be successful on a regular basis, what you have to figure out is where to put your coil.

Here is the schedule for the upcoming Sedwick Coins auction.
I read somewhere that there will be a lot of hearts and royal cobs in this auction.
There are two silver cobs from Corrigans and one from the Cabin wreck site in an auction on eBay. You might want to take a look at those coins.
Forecast and Conditions.
It is looking good for next weekend - the most promising prediction that I've seen for quite a while. I hope it holds. They are showing 6.5 foot seas for next Friday, but one of the good things is that it looks like a gradual build spread over a few days. I sure hope that prediction holds.
The wind is out of the west today. The sea will remain calm for a few days and the conditions will remain poor until the end of next week if the predictions are correct.
Happy Hunting,