Everybody wants to know the easy way to find a lot of gold with their metal detector. That isn't surprising, is it? Truth is, if there is an easy way to find a lot of gold, I don't know what it is. I do know how to find a lot of gold, but it's not easy. I think the easy ways have been worked out.
Finding a little gold now or then can be easy. Just wander around the beach waving your detector long enough and sooner or later - probably later - you'll find some gold, but it is an entirely different matter to find gold on a regular basis.
It is certainly possible to find a lot of gold, but it is not easy. At least I've never found it to be easy. It takes a lot of effort.
Have you ever noticed in those stories you read about someone's first treasure coin find, that they often talk about finding a way to get on a beach just after a hurricane. That is not easy. Generally you can only get over to the barrier islands after a hurricane if you own property over there. You have to show ID and still might not be able to get over right away. Power lines are down and the bridges and parks are closed. It's not easy. It isn't the same picture that some people have in their head of leisurely detecting a beach on a nice sunny day and digging up the Queen's jewels.
I know that some people detect as a leisure activity, and they enjoy the exercise on the beach on a nice day. That is one thing, but it is not what the guy dead-set on finding beach shipwreck treasures is about. The most successful beach treasure-coin hunters are not out for a nice walk in the park.
Don't get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with leisurely detecting for fun, exercise and social activity. But that is not what will get you a lot of big finds.
The people who are very successful are spending a lot of time, and doing what it takes to get the job done. It is not easy.
You do have a chance of finding something if you leisurely detect the beach on sunny days, but it is most likely going to take a long time and good finds are not likely to happen frequently.
The same thing goes for hunting modern jewelry. If you want to find a lot of gold, you are going to have put in more time, more effort, learn more, and do things that 99% of the detectorists aren't willing or able to do.
Here is one thing I often say to people who say they want to find a lot of gold with their detector. "If you don't want to do it, do it."
That statement is cryptic and could be taken wrong, but what I am saying is that the best finds are very often made under difficult circumstances. They are not generally made on a nice sunny 70 degree day. They are more often made when the wind is blowing so hard that the sand is stinging your face, and the rain is making it difficult to see, and the waves are knocking you off of your feet and the rocks won't let you use your scoop, etc. etc.
There is a lot that I'm not telling you here, but my main point is, that if you want to detect a lot of gold, you're going to have to do what 99% of the detectorists aren't willing to do.
I've been giving you a few scattered hints lately. One was to go out and find and hunt beaches that few others are detecting. I know it takes time to discover new productive beaches. But that is one thing that will separate you from the hundreds of other guys hunting the same old beaches over and over again.
Those places that aren't hunted by hardly anyone else are generally not hunted for a reason. But that doesn't mean they won't be productive. And if they are, you'll have it all to yourself.
Some beaches just don't look like anybody would go there. Maybe they are too rocky, over grown, muddy, small or something. That doesn't mean they won't be productive.
Some beaches that aren't used today were well used at one time. I mentioned some examples of that in another post recently.
And some are difficult to work. I said difficult, not impossible.
If you watched the Gold Rush Alaska TV show, you saw that it was not easy. The same thing applies to finding gold on the beach or in the shallow water. You might be able to get a few pieces easily, but to get a lot, is not easy.
On the TV program they were digging down to bedrock to find where the gold settled under an old waterfall in an ancient creek bed. It was no longer a creek bed and was now covered with sediment. The same thing happens on beaches. Gold settles over time until it is trapped. It often settles in pockets where several pieces can be found together.
It is not easy to find those pockets and it is not usually easy to dig the gold out of those pockets.
I feel like I've said enough about that for today.
Just to sum up, in metal detecting the easy path is seldom the most productive path.
You can learn a lot by watching that TV program. It applies to other types of treasure hunting too.
Forecast and Conditions.
Photo submitted by Timothy T.
This beach has been like this for quite a while now. As you can see there is a broad low beach-front to detect at low tide. There are very few good targets here presently though.
Ho, HO, HO!
You have one of those beautiful days for walking the beach today. The wind is from the south/southeast and the sun is shining. Just beautiful! But look at the predictions.
The calm seas will continue for a couple of days, and then the seas will increase up to 7.5 feet. That really sounds good. I hope it actually happens. And it lasts for a few days. Not just a day. This could get good if the surf web site predictions are correct and the wind hits at a good angle.
I'm hoping this is the change we've been waiting for - not so patiently I might add.
I've mentioned before how the surf web site prediction models have a problem, so I'm just hoping they are right this time.
We'll have to wait and see. Get your equipment in order.
Happy hunting.