This morning I'll point you to one of the best online resources for Florida history. It is the Tequesta, a scholarly journal published by the Historical Association of Southern Florida since 1941.
You can view the archives of the journal at the following link.
The articles also sometimes include information on other parts of Florida.
One classic articlle of particular interest to the readers of this blog, is the article Pirates and Treasure Trove of South Florida by David O. True.
This particular article, while focusing on South Florida mentions other parts of the state as well, including the Treasure Coast.
I think you'll wnat to read that article if you haven't already.
Here is the link.
That should get the creative juices going.
The article was written a number of years ago and so you'll find some inaccuracies according to what was known or beieved at the time.
Still it is a great article that can provide many interesting leads.
I think I'll follow up on some of them in future posts.
This item is now for sale on eBay. According to the item decription it was found in the Brickell area by a detectorist in South Florida.
This is the type of relic that you can sometimes find on land sites and that can really get your mind going. It opens a lot of very interesting questions.
I encourage beach hunters to consider land sites, because there are treasures to be found on land too.
You might want to take a look at the item description.
The eBay item number is 280706413175.
Treasure Coast Beach Forecast and Conditions.
The wind is from the south/southwest and the seas are running about 1.5 feet.
As you can see from the photo at the top of the blog, some dips are forming between the bar and the beach as the beach rebuilds.
If you stand on the beach and look north and south, you'll probably be able to spot the dips fairly easily. Generally speaking, the deeper they are the better they are.
This morning on the flatter beaches, I would be hunting the beach fronts, which seem to have a lot of targets. Most are junk, but there are a few more interesting things in between.
The seas will be increasing to about three feet later in the week.