They got a 100 gamma hit that provides additional evidence that the target is indeed the shipwreck.
Information and picture received from the Mel Fisher organization via email.
Jim M. sent me an email informing me of a new government proposal that could severely affect detectorists.
As you probably know, Florida's navigable waterway's are considered state property, and anything old found in them belongs to the state. I'm talking about a few decades old, not just centuries.
I don't know much about this new proposal yet and am certainly not up on the details and technicalities of it, but it seems that it would give the EPA and Army Corp control over any and every drop of water in the US.
Hard to believe? Here is a link if you want to look into it.
Concerning the newly forming St. Lucie Treasure Hunting Club, Bernie C. says, We now have 9 members signed up 4 seasonal and 5 local. Let your friends know about the club if they're into detecting. We are planning a morning hunt on Sunday the 31st of July. Let me know who's interested, also send me any suggestions on locations you'd like to hunt. I am working on club decals/patches, and as soon as the need arises I will be upgrading the webpage. I have also started a Facebook page and will be making a Youtube page to post find videos for our out of town members so they can be updated on what treasures we find. Thanks to all who have showed interest in St Lucie Treasure Hunters Club and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone.
For additional information on the new St. Lucie Treasure Hunting Club, contact Bernie C. at
Parts of a German bomber were found in England by using an old photograph.
Here is the link.
I mention this because old photos and post cards can provide good treasure hunting leads.
The past few days I've given a lot of good old historical resources that could keep you busy for some time. I hope you make good use of them.
Treasure Coast Beach Forecast and Conditions.
Watch out for the thunder storms. You can usually hear them a good ways off as static in your ear phones. Be careful on the beach.
As you undoubtedly know, lightening can send surges through your home wiring and damage electronics. You might want to unplug any detectors that are being charged, along with any other expensive electronics when a storm is nearby.
The rain also brought out tons of mosquitoes, so for your next trip to the beach, you might want to take some mosquito repellent.
The tropical wave that I've been talking about for the last few days now has an 80% chance of becoming a cyclone. It is now closer to the Yucatan and looks like it will move into the Gulf.
The wind is from the south and the seas remain calm - running about two feet. That will continue for the next week, only varying about a half foot one way or the other.
As a result conditions beach detecting conditions remain poor.
Storms do chase people off of the beach. While not so many people visit the beach, those that are there when a storm arises often lose things when they hurriedly collect their belongings for the mad dash to the car.
You might want to try something different - maybe a land site.
Happy hunting,