If you have never looked at a wilderness GPS system, you might find it interesting. They can be very useful, although not every beach hunter will need one. If you are not hardcore, it might be a waste of money.
This is not the brand or model that I use, but I do use one. If you are a beach hunter, you might want to get a waterproof unit.
You can mark a spot so you can easily return to it later. You can easily find locations given in latitude and longitude. And you can even map your scan pattern so you can tell exactly what area you covered by looking at the display screen. You can also mark spots (way points) along your path.
Overall hand held GPS units can be quite handy, but some are difficult to use. Some are not exactly what I would call intuitive.
You might or might not benefit from having one, but you might want to look into it.
It looks like the 2012 beach renourishment budgets are in place. Congratulations to Indian River County who won't get any additional money for drowning our beaches in sand.
Martin County's is getting $2.96 million to dump sand from the St. Lucie County border to Indian River Plantation.
$890,000 more will be dumped south of the Fort Pierce Inlet. We saw how well the last project lasted there. They created a nice eight foot cliff. And some people complain about six inch deep holes. The world is full of craziness.
A request for a project to dump sand on 3.6 miles of shoreline, stretching from the Florida Power & Light Co. nuclear plant south to the Martin County line was not funded. I'm really glad about that. It would have been a shame to cover the reefs and rocks where all the wild life is flourishing now.
If you want to read more about where sand will and won't be dumped, here is the link.
I said a few days ago that gold was headed to $1700 per ounce. That didn't take long. It has passed that already. It is amazing how quickly gold is rising. It is seen as one of the few safe havens in this time of high uncertainty and economic turmoil.
We'll see what the downgrade in credit rating is going to do the US dollar in a short while.
I'm afraid that if you are one of the many people that have a 401K or retirement program, that it might take a hit. Again, we'll see what the day brings.
When the people voted for change, it must have been in place of dollars - as in pennies and nickels.
Here are a few shipwreck and salvage definitions.
Flotsam are goods lost from a ship which has sunk or otherwise perished which are recoverable because they have floated.
Jetsam are goods cast overboard in order to lighten a vessel which is in danger of sinking.
Derelict is property which has been abandoned at sea by those who were in charge without any hope of recovering it. It includes both vessels and cargo.
Anything sunk in the sea, but attached to a buoy or the like so that it may be recovered.
Treasure Coast Beach Forecast and Conditions.
There are no cyclones out there now. Emily disappeared again. And not much else stirring in the tropics right now. At least we got a little rain out of it.
The wind, what there is of it, is from the west. The seas are calm and predicted to remain that way for several days.
The rating on my Treasure Coast TBDCS is a 1 (poor).
The water should be calm enough for easy water hunting for the next few days. Look for dips or moving sand bars.
Some people on the Treaure Coast have been picking up a good bit of clad lately.
Happy hunting,