Wednesday, January 4, 2012

1/4/12 Report - Conditions Upgrade & New Florida Underwater Preserve

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Three Foot Cut on a Treasure Coast Beach This Morning.

This is the same cut that I showed yesterday. It was only one foot high then.

I'm issuing a level 2 rating on my Treasure Coast Treasure Beach Conditions Rating Scale. That is an upgrade from level 1 (poor)conditions. As you might know if you've been following this blog for some time, my rating scale is a five point scale.

It is a good two in my opinion, although I don't expect conditions to improve much more, and the new rating might be short lived.

That is my big news for today.

People often ask me where to buy a new detector if they don't want to do it over the internet or by phone. I don't know about most of the local detector shops in the state, so here is a one time chance. If you operate a detector shop in the state of Florida, send me the shop name, address, phone number, and short simple statement of types of detectors sold, and I may list the information that I receive some time in the future. You probably won't get this chance again, so don't miss it.

If you want me to list your shop, just submit that info in a form that will make it easy for me to cut and paste. Don't use all caps. Don't include extra information.

I reserve the right to edit the information submitted in any way I see fit and to post or repost that information in any form and at any time I so desire but will not gaurantee anything, including inclusion in any post at all.

This offer is not for the detector super stores of the world.

USS Narcissus, a civil war era ship which sank near the mouth of Tampa Bay, will become a new archaeological preserve. Once covered by sand, the wreck is now much exposed.

It is still pretty cold out. This morning when it was about 40 degrees on the beach.

I suspect you'll be able to find a few cuts in addition to the one that I'm showing today.

The wind is from the north/northwest. The seas seem to be calming down. The high tides aren't very high.

As I said, I'm not expecting much more improvement to the Treasure Coast beaches.

Happy hunting,