Written by the Treasureguide for the exclusive use of treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com.
This Mexico City, 8 escudos, 1714J cob is listed in the most recent Sedwick Coins auction, and is expected to bring the highest price of any of the gold coins in the first session. The reason is that it appears to have been struck with Royal dies, but on a regular flan. That makes it an especially interesting case. I would not be surprised if it brings more than the estimated value. It is really a nice looking cob.
You can find a lot of good research material online these days. I ran across the following passage in A Guide to Miami and Dade County.
Even the soil produces strange fauna. Captain Charles J. Rose,
one of Miami's oldest pioneers, possesses a large copper kettle inlaid
with gold, product of the Aztecs or Spanish artizans, which was com-
pletely imbedded in rock blasted from a canal bed near the mouth
of the Miami River.
Here is the link to that online book.
A surfer was bit by a shark yesterday at Jensen Beach. It seems there are a variety of sharks in the shallow water right now. So be careful if you are a wader.
I got the impression that sharks are repelled by the signals sent out by a metal detector, but don't know that. I've seen them heading my direction and then quickly turn and flee. Of course that could have been for some other reason.
You've probably heard of the discovery of an osuary that is said by some to bear an inscription referring to Jesus. Well, the person who claims to have discovered it went on trial and that trial recently concluded.
The case and reaction to the case has a lot of far reaching implications. Too many for me to address here.
Here is the link.
I didn't know those state quarters had any value. They don't have much, but I found out that are worth more than face value if they are in mint condition.
Here is site that provides a list of values.
Beach conditions remain the same, and it looks like they will remain the same for several days. Around four foot seas.
You can probably still find some miscellaneous junk and a few interesting items along the water line at low tide.
Happy hunting,