Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com.
Just a couple of small curiosities today. This religious medallion is one of the smaller ones that I've found. It is heavily corroded and I don't know how old it is. The back is too encrusted to see if there is any information there. I might clean it someday to find out if it says anything.
I don't know how the shiny image was create either.
I once found a religious medallion that was even smaller than this one and seemed to be one of those miniature paintings that was done under magnification with a single hair as a brush. Unbelievably small and intricate.
I am not absolutely sure they are plates, but that is what they look like to me. And I am not absolutely certain that they are pewter, but that is my best guess. They were not found at the same beach or at the same time. They seem to be plates like a little girl might use with her dolls, but I never could understand why they were in the ocean. I guess they could have been lost on the beach and washed into the surf.
There are no markings at all that I can see, and I looked at them under magnification. I don't have any idea of the source or age.
Just a few of the detector finds that make me scratch my head.
As you know if you've been reading this blog, the Sedwick Coins auction is now online and many bids have been received. The auction will culminate with seven sessions on April 10 and 11.
If you are in the Baltimore area, you can see the coin lots in person this week at the Baltimore Coin & Currency Convention (Thursday-Saturday).
Don't forget, the 4th Annual Treasure Hunters Cookout will be held on April 28. Use the following link for more information.
I posted a new poll on this blog last night. Take a look. I haven't done that for a while. Other things came up lately and I just didn't get one or two polls posted when I really planned on it.
You never know what you might find. Some of my odd finds include a plastic leg with jointed knee, complete with sock and shoe, a few sets of dentures, and bowling balls in the ocean. I think my total on bowling ball finds is four. Oh, I found a couple of pool balls in the ocean too.
If you have any finds that seem a little odd or bizarre, let us know. Keep it clean though.
I guess anything a person might have could end up in the surf.
I've been thinking of doing a few different things in this blog but haven't worked them out yet.
Did you know that some of the most commonly used detectors on the Treasure Coast will not detect some modern coins at any depth (1 inch or less) with a discrimination setting of 1 (lowest)?
I am making a video to show you that. I'll have it ready in a day or two.
Treasure Coast Beach Detecting Conditions.
2012 has started off slow. Not much happening to change conditions. There have been times in years past when it seemed that I was changing my beach conditions rating almost every week. It hasn't been like that for quite a while.
When you have better conditions, there are more changes - sometimes up and sometimes down. But when there is a lot of sand on the beach fronts, there is only one way to go and that takes a lot of wave action coming in the right direction.
It looks like we'll have more of the same for another few days. The wind is coming from the east/southeast and the swells from the east. About four foot seas.
Around Sunday it looks like the wind will shift. The wind is predicted to come out of the north. Maybe another front. Unfortunately when the wind is coming out of the north, the seas are small. That won't do much of anything for us.
There are some rain clouds and a few drops of rain out there this morning.
Happy hunting,