Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of TreasureBeachesReport.blogspot.com.
Eroded North Carolina Beach Image from video by GoldNugget |
On the Treasure Coast we still have that one to two foot surf. The tides have been good due to the Super Moon.
I have a lot to write today - enough for four or five posts. I'll have to hold a lot of it for another day. I didn't post yesterday because I was traveling and didn't get a chance. I'll try to get this post done in a hurry.
I was up North and had a great time giving a brand new detector a testing. Among the finds was a Large Cent - 1829. That was surprising, especially considering where it was found. I'll get into more of that some other day.
Instead of taking the detector on the plane, I had it shipped up North where I was going to be and had it shipped home when I was done. That saved all the hassles of taking it through security and on the plane or in baggage, which of course could be done instead.
I'll give you a review of the new detector and show some of those finds some other time. Right now I want to show you what GoldNugget found on a North Carolina beach. That isn't where I went. I was in another state.
You'll remember after tropical storm or hurricane Arthur passed us, it hit North Carolina. I mentioned at the time that it would be hitting North Carolina but I wouldn't be making that trip. Well, North Carolina is where GoldNugget hunts, and he sent us some great photos of some great finds. You'll enjoy them.
Thanks GoldNugget! And congratulations on the amazing finds!
They had some good erosion in North Carolina. He sent me an email last week and said the site is still producing. He said, When the Beach is Hot ,It's Hot.
He posted a short video clip showing the beach where the items were found on Youtube.
Here is the link to that video.
It is the first video that he posted. Good job!
The photo at the top of this post is one of the first few frames from that video.
Here is the link to that video.
It is the first video that he posted. Good job!
The photo at the top of this post is one of the first few frames from that video.
Notice the undercut and eroded dunes. That is more than a six foot cut I would say.
Also, that beach isn't at a park or walk-over or anything. You'd probably have to walk a good piece to get to it.
And there aren't any obvious signs that this would be the place to be.
Those are all important things to notice. I've talked about things like that in the past.
If you want to find a location like that you'll have to work for it, but when you see the finds below you'll see that it can be worth the work.
GoldNugget said, I'm still trying to Identify the Emblem looking item.
If you can help him identify the item, let me know.
All of the find photos below are from GoldNugget and the site described.

Like I said, I have about four days of posts in my head. I'll leave them for some other time. Today you can enjoy GoldNugget's finds and his video. Give it a look and think about what you are seeing.
There is a lot you can learn from that.
Happy hunting,
Also, that beach isn't at a park or walk-over or anything. You'd probably have to walk a good piece to get to it.
And there aren't any obvious signs that this would be the place to be.
Those are all important things to notice. I've talked about things like that in the past.
If you want to find a location like that you'll have to work for it, but when you see the finds below you'll see that it can be worth the work.
GoldNugget said, I'm still trying to Identify the Emblem looking item.
If you can help him identify the item, let me know.
All of the find photos below are from GoldNugget and the site described.
There is a lot you can learn from that.
Happy hunting,