Written by the Treasureguide for the exclusive use of treasurebeachesreport.BlogSpot.com.
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Indian Head Penny Eye-balled By William M. Photo by William M. |
William M. recently eye-balled this 1906 Indian head penny.
Wind and rain will uncover old items, as will construction projects.
I've known people who have collected a lot of coins simply by walking the beaches.
I've seen a cob that was uncovered right before my eyes while detecting. I saw it before my detector went over it.
I once wrote an article for a treasure magazine on eye-balling. Eye-balled finds included everything from grape shot, to twenty dollar bills and watches and bracelets.
It is in nice condition.
Thanks for sharing William.
I told you the other day about some of the erosion I found a few days ago. It was in renourishment sand.
Joan T. found erosion in renourishment sand north of Walton rocks. Below is a photo of that.
Walton Rocks Erosion Photo by Joan T. |
Joan also sent photos of turtle nests being destroyed here.
Turtles lay their eggs in renourishment sand and then the nests get washed out and destroyed when the renourishment sand goes.
Joan also found a piece of a boat that washed up down at Jensen Beach.
Below is that picture.
Thanks for sharing Joan.
Dan B.wrote and said he has been ... hitting my {his}old spots with different settings.
I've heard from a few people commenting on how they are surprised by how much they find on sites that have already been hunted.
Dan, for one, said ... Cleaned out areas seem to still provide every time I do something differently.
I talked about that not long ago. Go back over sites using different settings, different detectors or different scan patterns. You might be surprised how much you find.
I did an entire post one time on how to cover a site multiple times, making changes each time based upon what you have learned about that site.
Part of Boat on Walton Rocks Beach Photo by Joan T. |
Dan B. also had a good report on warranty service provided by Garrett.
He said, Also, my detector housing became separated from the arm. Sent to Garrett, and they had a brand new everything back within a week. All covered under warranty.
It is always good to hear about good service provided by detector companies.
As I've said before, Tesoro advertises a lifetime warranty, but it doesn't turn out to be a lifetime warranty. They'll not service a detector once they declare a detector obsolete. I have two of those. So don't be fooled by their claim of a lifetime warranty.
On the Treasure Coast we'll have a two to three foot surf for a few days.
We had a Blood Moon the other night. And finally we're getting a negative low tide. The tides have been pretty flat. I'm glad to see the tide going down.
Happy hunting,