Sunday, November 15, 2015

11/15/15 Report - Current Treasure Coast Beach Detecting Conditions and Predictions.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Treasure Coast Beach This Morning.
As you know, we've been having a lot of wind and some waves.  I went out to the beach this morning to check it out.  I didn't expect much, and that is what I saw - not much.

Usually it takes up to six or eight foot seas to really improve conditions, but there are other factors involved.  The direction of the waves is very important, and the tides have an effect.

This time we had a brief period of north wind yesterday and then it turned.  The waves this morning were hitting directly from the east.

The first beach I visited this morning is shown above.  Nothing but some shallow scallops.  The water had been up fairly high, but no erosion on this beach.

Another Treasure Coast Beach This Morning.
There was no erosion at the next beach I visited except for one small stretch.  The cut there was less than a foot high and not very long.

Note the sea weed.  That is an indication of accretion, not erosion.

Small Cut.
This small cut evidently occurred during a previous high tide before the wind changed.  The sea weed in front of the cut shows that after the cut was created and the wind changed, it started to fill again.

Small Boat Washed Up Onto Beach
At least we've been getting some rough water lately. October and November have traditionally been pretty good months for detecting.  We often get some of our first storms then.

We need to get back down to the sand levels we had back a few weeks ago and then some.

The next few days we're supposed to have 3 - 5 foot surf.  On Wednesday it is supposed to be a bit higher, maybe up to seven feet.

If the wind direction stays as predicted, it won't be good.  Nothing but east and then southeast winds.  I'm not expecting much improvement in beach conditions from that.

I'm sticking with a 1 rating on my Treasure Coast Treasure Beach Detecting Conditions Rating Scale. I'll hope for something better but am not expecting it.

If you scout around some you probably be able to find some small cuts and slightly better spots.

I have some pictures of my favorite finds from my trip up north ready to show.  I'll probably do that tomorrow.

Happy hunting,