Sunday, November 19, 2017

11/20/17 Report - Beaches Filling For Time Being. Interesting Theory on Ring. Miscellaneous Finds. Another Front Coming Through.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Seagrape Trail Sunday
Photo by Darrel S.
Last week we had some decent beach detecting.  Some nice old things were found at a few locations.  A lot of beaches produced nothing good, but a few did.  That is pretty much over and I'm going back to a "1" rating on my Treasure Coast Treasure Beach Detecting Conditions Scale.

Darrel S. was at Turtle Trail Saturday and reported that it had filled in and the bags were covered again.  According to the reports I received, it seems like the best conditions were earlier in the week.

There was still a nice cliff at the back of the beach at Seagrape Sunday, as you can see from the above photo.

Below are a couple photos from the Jupiter and Carlin Park beaches from Saturday, I think it was.

Jupiter Beach by Inlet Saturday.
Photo by Joe D.
Carlin Park Area
Photo by Joe D.
Thanks for the photos and reports guys!

In my Saturday post I said the Pelican in Piety ring was 14K.   The 750 mark indicates that it is actually 18K.  That was brought to my attention by a couple of readers, and I made the correction in the previous post.

I got an email from Peter H. concerning that ring.  Peter offers an interesting theory.  Here is what he said.

I'm certain many others will help identify the hall mark on the ring . Its 18carat, London hallmark and the date letter appears to be from 1962-1963 . London is represented by the leopards head ,the crown and 750 is the carat mark and the style of the letter g appears to be date  it to 62/63. ( Jacksons Hallmarks, UK)
What I find intriguing is that its defiantly the pelican in piety ( you can see the blood from the pelicans  chest feeding the young) which is a rare unusual  symbol and it appears to be made in London . Could it have been commissioned  and lost by one of the 1960 -70's treasure hunters who possibly found something similar on the treasure coast and subsequently  sold the original? It just seems too much of coincidence that such a modern ring and symbol appears on a 1715 treasure  beach which is known for producing the same religious iconography What are the chances of that ? The plot thickens!  or maybe its just me being too fond of conspiracy theories !! .As you often say " the find is only the beginning of the story" 

I really appreciate your posts - thank you   Peter H.

I don't think the ring was found on the same beach as the Pelican of Piety artifact, which, if I correctly recall, was found on the Nieves site, but that isn't important anyhow.  If it was commissioned by a treasure hunter who found something similar in the past, we might find out about that.  It isn't a huge fraternity and word gets around.  Interesting thought anyhow.

I saw photos of finds from earlier in the week from beaches that were producing much of any shipwreck treasures.

Miscellaneous Finds From Ambersands Last Week
Finds and photo by Eric H.
That is quite a variety of finds made by Eric H.  Looks like a bunch of mangled aluminum from the renourishment sand as well as a ring and some other things.

Thanks for the report Eric.

Maybe we'll get to see photos of other good finds from last week.  I know there were some more cobs and other interesting things found both on the Treasure Coast and to the north.

There is another TV show you might want to check out;  Finding Escobar's Millions.  So far it is been Not Finding Escobar's Millions, which I wouldn't have minded if it was more reasonable.

They told how Escobar buried barrels of money and killed whoever was forced to bury the money, yet the first field they checked was a vacant lot in the middle of a bunch of multi-story buildings where whatever happened would undoubtedly be seen.  That is the last place I would bury a barrel of money and a murder victim.  Unsurprisingly they found nothing but junk there.

The best thing that happened to me last week was that I was able to do a little detecting. Not much, but some.  Although it was a small fraction of the amount of time I used to spend, at least it was something.

The last couple of years, I haven't been able to detect much at all. There were two reasons for that. One was because of other responsibilities, and the second was because of an injury. Sometimes the injury made it impossible, and other times  when I could have tried, I was afraid of aggravating the injury. I think it was less than a week ago I actually told my wife I think my metal detecting days are over. I'm glad things improved and I was able to do it for a while without any problems.

Looks like we are going to get a four to six foot surf Tuesday.  That isn't bad, but the wind doesn't look as favorable as it was last week.  We had a few days of continuous north wind last week.

Happy hunting,