Wednesday, December 27, 2017

12/27/17 Report - Ring Find. Some Top 2017 Posts. Floating Find. Strange Prints for ID. Increased Surf Predicted.

Written by the Treasureguide for the exclusive use of

Amethyst and Diamond Ring Left by Beach Santa.

It was an interesting year, as usual.  A lot of the time beach conditions were poor for finding old shipwreck objects on the beach.  There was a lot of beach replenishment sand, but there were times when nice treasures were uncovered.  September was a decent month for shipwreck related finds, for example.  I was reminded of that as I looked back over the year's posts.

I decided to list the top ten most read posts of the year.  That gave a pretty good summary of the big news of 2017.

Starting at the bottom of the list, number ten is the 9/9/17 post about the dugout canoe that was uncovered by Hurricane Irma and found by Randy Lathrop north of Cocoa. That post also showed items from another shipwreck that was uncovered by Hurricane Irma.  It also discussed predictions for the storms, Jose and Maria.

September was a busy month and produced a lot of popular posts.  Five of the top ten posts of the year were posted in September.  That surprised me because  posts from the beginning of the year have an advantage over later posts because people continue to read them as the months go by.

Here is the link to the 9/9/17 post, which ranked tenth in views for the year..

The number nine most popular post of the year was the 9/15/17 post, which was also about Hurricane Irma finds and Hurricane Jose predictions.

Here is the link for that one.


At the top of this post there is a photo one item left by Beach Santa  on the Treasure Coast this year.  Unfortunately there are no inscription to help with finding the original owner.


Dan W. sent in the following message and photo a few days ago.

I've spent a lot of time on the beaches in Central Florida. Ive walked every inch from Vero to Port Canaveral in search of my first real more than once. Although I have not had a definitive find of a coin, I have found items that may have links to the 1715 fleet. This is one of my more interesting finds I found bobbing in the surf along one of the Southern Melbourne beaches a few years ago. I really enjoy your posts. Please keep it up and Merry Christmas to all.   

Find and photo by Dan W.
Thanks for writing Dan.  I found the little "CUBA" boy interesting.  I wondered about the possible significance of the beret and blue costume.

Keep your eyes open while detecting.  Sometimes paper money will be found floating in the surf.  I've found a twenty and smaller bills floating by as I detected.

One of my favorite 1715 Fleet finds, a wax seal impression, was eye-balled at the edge of the water.  Amazing that it lasted hundreds of years.


The following prints I found confuse me.  Looks kinda human.  Maybe on tip toe.  But only four toes?

The second print seems to have claws though.

Am I being stupid or what?  Let me know what you think made the prints.  Doesn't look like any animal tracks that I recognize.


Interesting surf predictions.  There is one bump predicted for Friday and another for next week.

There is a very good chance that the bump predicted for next week will not be as big as predicted.  That is what often happens with these predictions.

Happy hunting,