I enjoy the emails that I receive from the readers of this blog. The emails help me to know what you are thinking about and that helps me know what to talk about on any given day.
Yesterday I mentioned Jon M. who went water hunting and found his first ring. He also mentioned in his email that he noticed the water moving differently at one spot and investigate that spot. That was a good move.
It is good to investigate and dips or places where small heavy objects might be trapped and then exposed when the currents move the sand. In fact, one of the first things I would do is check out any dips close to shore. You don't have to spend all day checking out those dips. You can take a quick sample and then move on to the next dip if the first one doesn't look promising.
Many times, dips close to the shore will be filled with loose materials including a lot of larger pieces of shell. Those types of dips will not generally be what you are looking for. They will often contain aluminum and other light things near the surface, while the better objects are considerable deeper. One exception is watches. Watches will often be found in those types of dips along with sun glasses and other similar larger but lighter objects.
If a dip is long enough, it might change from one area of the dip to another. In other words, part of the dip might be filled with loose materials while the loose materials might have been washed out of another part of the same dip. In that case, generally, the washed area will be the best area for coins and gold.
Often quarters and heavy coins will indicate that you are near the best area while pennies will be found on the outlying or border area. Often you'll be able to trace through a sequence of pennies, dimes, nickles and quarters that will lead you to the center of a hole, or sweet spot.
Something else that someone mentioned today is that water hunting is a more private experience than beach hunting on a busy beach. That can be true.
If you want to be more "private" when you water hunt, snorkel. That can also make it easier to hunt deeper water. Deeper water won't always be better, but there are times when it is. Sometimes the best holes are in shallow water and sometimes in deeper water.
Another advantage of snorkeling is that you can see the bottom. That will help you to better assess bottom conditions and allow you to occasionally eyeball targets.
It's funny how little swimmers actually see about what is going on around them. I remember one day at a densely packed swimming area when a six to seven foot fish or something swam right through the crowd and nobody saw it. I couldn't believe it. There would have been some screaming going on if they would have seen it.
Just one more thing before I get off this topic. If you are just beginning water hunting, spend some time in shallow water getting your technique down before you move into deeper water or rough water. Also, if you are not a good swimmer and not real comfortable in the water, be very careful, and don't get caught in a rip tide. If you don't know what you are doing you can wander into one before you know it.
It is possible to detect in very rough water, but it will probably take a while to learn to do that.
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Conditions and Forecast.
I saw some small cuts yesterday morning, as shown by the photo. They were only about one foot. But yesterday the wind changed and today is coming from the south. I wouldn't expect to see anymore erosion now. I didn't see many of the beaches, but I didn't see anything that would lead me to believe that anything significant happened on the Treasure Coast.
The surf web sites are predicting swells of only about one foot for the next few days. That means pretty calm water if you want to do some water hunting. Remember, stay out of the leased areas.
The tides are still getting pretty low at low tide. So you can take advantage of that.
Happy hunting,