One thing that you might like to do is to get some of these coin folders. They are available for different denominations and different periods. Some of the folders have unlabeled slots and others, like the one I am showing below, is labeled with slots for each year and mint.
When you have folders like this, it will encourage you to go through your common coin finds to look for good examples of the dates with each mint mark. It will also help you to find any error coins in your finds.
When you find an example that is in better condition than the one you already have in your folder, replace the previous example with the new one in better condition.
When you pretty much fill up a folder and have enough coins in good condition, you can start a second folder with your grade 2 coins.
I think these coin folders can add some extra enjoyment and value to your detecting hobby. It is also a good way to get young people involved.
The labeled folders will help if you want to assemble a complete collection. The unlabeled folders are good for storing miscellaneous finds.

Sorry this photo is not oriented properly, but I didn't want to take the extra time to fix it this morning.
We finally got some much needed rain. I didn't go out this morning. The rain wouldn't have stopped me, but there was also a good bit of lightening.
Rain can actually help you out. In some areas it can create enough erosion to uncover things.
In places where you aren't allowed to detect, you can do sometimes eye-ball some interesting things after a good rain.
The rain can also create enough erosion of the cliffs at the back dunes that some old items will fall out.
It can also moisten the dry sand areas enough to give you a little more detecting depth. Of course it can also help if you want to do some inland hunting.
And it can also sometimes uncover things on the beach that you might not be able to detect very well, such as very thin gold chains.
Be careful of the lightening though. You can usually hear lightning in your ear phones even when it is still a long way off.
And if you don't have a submersible or water-proof detector, make sure you take something to protect your detector in case of rain.
Yesterday was my mother's birthday. I took her on a little road trip and had the opportunity to scout out a secluded beach for future hunting.
I just ran across a web site of an old auction showing some nice 1715 Fleet items. The 1715 section is only one small part of the entire auction. You might want to look at the other sections as well.
Here is the link to the 1715 Fleet items.
I'm not into this kind of thing and haven't tried it, but I thought maybe some of you would be interested. It's a free online pirate game. Give it a try if you want and let me know how it is.
The blog survey on number of years of detecting experience is almost done and is showing that a lot of this blog's readers are very experienced.
I'll have more on this when the survey is complete.
Forecast and Conditions.
There is a little wind from the northeast this morning. Nothing significant though. And unfortunately the tides are back to normal.
Worse yet, the the seas will remain calm for the next few days.
I have seen occasions when a local thunder storm would create enough wave action to create productive localized cuts in heavily used tourist areas. I doubt if that is the case with what we are having now though.
Besides the rain, that can help as I mentioned above, another positive thing for detecting is the low water levels along many of our local waterways that might expose some old things.
Beach conditions remain poor for finding cobs. Take advantage of whatever is going on. And take whatever the sea is offering at any particular time.
Happy hunting,