Evidently this fossil or bone was enclosed as the rock formed. I wish I knew more about the age of rock formations.
I recently found this fossil. It's not worth anything, but I thought it was interesting. It looks like a small limb bone. The fossilized bone either broke off and was worn down or maybe it was just worn down that much.
Anyhow, the lesson is, whenever you are finding old things, that is a good sign. It generally means that old materials have been uncovered or washed up at that area.
Some people decide before they go out what beach they want to detect, but it is a good strategy to look at the beach and decide if you really want to spend your time there or whether you might be better off checking out some other beaches.
I'd rather detect a beach that has never produced anything if it is cutting than a beach where numerous things have been found in the past if it is now sanded in.
The conditions of the beach are more important to me than what has been found there over the years. One exception is some of the modern jewelry beaches that are so heavily used that you can find some good things occasionally even when the beach conditions are poor.
Finding older items is always a good sign. If you are hunting old things, it means that you are in a good area, and if you are hunting modern things, it means you might be getting close to any pockets of accumulated heavy materials.
I just learned that Sedwick Coins is now auctioning items on eBay. They have some interesting items on eBay. For example, I saw this clump containing a gold coin and other debris from the shipwreck Fame that sunk in 1822.
Here is the listing.
And here is a nice shipwreck web site that gives information on a large number of shipwrecks.
I recently received this from Sedwick Coins via email.
Our upcoming Treasure and World Coin Auction #9, scheduled for April 26-28, contains a very special Session II: The Dr. Frank Sedwick Collection of Colombian Republic Gold Coins. This collection will be sold as part of the main auction, but a special stand-alone catalog is available now. Earlier this year we submitted the entire collection of over 230 coins (spanning the years 1822 through 1980) to NGC for grading and encapsulation, and fortunately NGC finished in time for us to make this special-edition catalog well ahead of the usual schedule for our April auction. We offer this 64-page catalog in limited quantities for $15 postpaid by Priority Mail ($25 overseas), ready to ship starting March 3. (Note this special-edition catalog will NOT be sent to our regular mailing list of bidders and subscribers, who will receive the main catalog around the end of March.) To order the Dr. Frank Sedwick Collection catalog, please click here:
Another advantage this time is that we will be showing ALL the coin lots at TWO major coin shows before the auction.
Lenny wrote in and said he heard that Golden Sands Beach on A1A Vero Beach, will be closed from 2/28 to 4/20 for beach and dune restoration.
Forecast and Conditions.
The weather report is in. Today a front will be coming through. The wind is supposed to pick up, and it is supposed to rain.
The wind is still coming from the southwest this morning and the seas are still calm but will be building later today. Tomorrow the prediction is that the seas will build to around six feet and then up to maybe 7.5 feet.
This does not look like it will be a short one-day thing. According to the predictions the wind will be blowing pretty good for a number of days. We haven't seen anything like what is now predicted for maybe two years, if my memory serves.
You hope for a sustained period of high seas, but we just haven't had that for quite a while. It will take a while to move a lot of that sand. The first places to erode will probably be places where there is some obstacle to the flow of sand, or where there was erosion not too long ago. It will also depend upon the angle that the waves hit the beach.
This could be a bust if the waves continue to hit directly on to the beach at a ninety degree angle. Still, since the beach isn't a straight north/south line, some places where the angle is right will probably erode.
Anyhow, this is the best looking opportunity I've seen for quite a while. I hope it turns out.
Get your detectors charged and make sure your gear is in good shape.
I broke a scoop handle not too long ago. I couldn't believe that that heavy thing broke the way it did.
Happy hunting,