Thursday, July 11, 2013

7/11/13 Report - RIP Chantal, Old Coins and Buttons, & Metal Detectorists Help Solve Crime

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Beach Coin Finds by Richard O.
Photo submitted by Richard O.
First off, Chantal died yesterday (Wed.) at about 5 PM.   This is supposed to be a busy storm season, so new storms will pop up before long.  That is for sure.

Yesterday I told about some of the beach storm finds made by Richard O.  That is the type of thing I often talk about and why we follow the progress of storms.  As Richard says, when it is hot it is hot.  Of course the opposite holds too.  When it is not, it is not.

Anyhow, above is another photo Richard sent showing some of his coin finds from the times it was hot in 2013.  See yesterday's post for more information about these coin finds.  A lot of these are early 1800s.

They aren't cleaned yet, but if you look close, you can make out some of the details.

And below are some old buttons found at the same time.

Old Buttons Found on Beach After Storm
Finds and photo by Richard O.
Again, if you look close you can see some details.

And thanks again for the photos Richard.  Great finds!

The metal detecting community provides a lot of services to the public, sometimes hunting and returning lost valuables, but that is not all.

James F. sent me the following.

... I was involved in this evidence search down in Kissimmee last Saturday with my club, The Central Florida Metal Detecting Club, and some of your guys from your area, The Treasure Coast Archeological Society. The hunt was successful in that the groups found a piece of evidence that will probably solve the killing of a 17-year old teenager while he was simply walking to work, as well as another murder 14-miles away from the scene we were searching. At any rate, the hobby (and the skill) of metal detecting finally got some good press because of this, and, even though it was running around 95-degrees in very high humidity, everyone, I think, did a fine job and both groups should be commended in getting these murdering animals off the street. The police were quite pleased and we may all be called on to do this again if there is a need. Here's the link to that story in the Orlando Sentinel:

Thanks to James and the others in the detecting community that volunteered their time to help solve this crime.  And thanks to James for sending the report and link.

Here is the story from the Orlando Sentinel.,0,3414832.story

Way to go guys!

I need to talk about something that in a way I'd rather not talk about.  Spending a lot of time on the beach in the hot Florida sun can be dangerous.  I've heard that 1 in 3 Floridians get some type of skin cancer.  It usually can be successfully treated if detected early, but some forms can be deadly if not caught in time.   I know too many detectorists that have had a problem with this.  Over time it does its damage.  Wear a heavy sun screen, protective clothing and visit a dermatologist if you see any suspicious or changing spots on our skin.  My wife used to nag me about that a lot, and I didn't appreciate it, but it could have saved me some problems if I'd listened.   Now I've said it.  I hope she doesn't read this.  I know that sun screen and taking all of the precautions can be a real pain, but it is not the real pain that you can get from developing skin problems.  I've had mine taken care of, but now I am more careful about my sun exposure and make periodic visits to the dermatologist.    Now the public service announcement is over.  I just felt like I needed to do that.

Today is the last chance to respond to the current blog poll.  I hope you'll do that.

The surf is 1 - 2 feet.  And now that Chantal has died, this weekend we'll have really small surf - only 1 foot.  It won't pick up again until Tudesday, according to the surfing web sites.

Conditions will remain poor for finding old treasure coins on the beaches, but water hunting should be good.  With the heat out there, it will also be one way to keep cool.

Happy hunting,