Friday, July 19, 2013

7/19/13 Report - Ahah!!! How You Might Actually See and Photograph the Halo Effect! Kirlian Photography and Metal Detecting

Kirlian Photograph of US Half Dollar.
Source from link below.

One note before I get started on my main topics today: they discovered some timber on the north end of the Margarita site and are thinking that some of the ship might have gone farther north, so they'll be investigating up that way some more.

I was reading a great article on the Halo Effect as it relates to metal detecting when I experienced one of those moments when you put things together and come up with a totally new realization.  That is supposed to be when you yell Eureka or Ahah!   Anyhow,  I was reading about the halo effect when I realized that I may have actually taken photographs of the Halo Effect many years ago -  long before I became involved in metal detecting.

Below you will see pictures of the Kirlian photography system that I assembled back in the seventies.

You might want to first read this article on the Halo Effect.   It is a very good article on the Halo Effect and how it relates to metal detecting.

(Thanks to Robert K. for submitting this link.)

You ask how you can photograph the Halo Effect.  The answer is Kirlian photography. 

In 1939 Semyon Kirlian discovered that you could photograph the aura of an object by placing the object on a photographic plate in a high-voltage electric field. The photographic image looks like a colored halo or coronal discharge.

Images created by Kirlian photography were mistakenly thought by some to be a physical manifestation of the spiritual aura or "life force."  What is actually recorded is the result of natural phenomena including pressure, electrical grounding, humidity and temperature. Changes in moisture barometric pressure, and voltage will produce different 'auras'.  So what is actually seen on the photographic plate is gas ionization around the object - living or not.  

Here is a link where you can read more about Kirlian photography and auras.

And here is a link where you can find the Kirlian photo of the coin shown above plus a variety of other Kirlian photographs of coins and other objects.

And here is the Kirlian photography system that I once assembled in an old brief case.

Kirlian Photography System Assembled in Brief Case

Inside the case (top photo) you see a variable voltage trasnformer and a high frequency induction coil.

On top of the case is a metal electrode plate and a glass dielectric plate.  The glass plate is placed over the electrode plate, then Polaroid film places on top of the glass plate and the object to be photographed placed on top of the Polaroid film.  Then, while in a completely dark room, push the button (white seen through the hole in the case) and the aura is created and picked up by the film.

Unfortunately I can't find any of the old photos I took with this equipment.  I should be able to make some new ones once I warm up this old system.

I went a little mad scientist on you today, but I got excited when I realized that I might actually be able to take a photograph of the Halo Effect, or at least something very similar.   Not exactly as it would be in the ground, of course.  Still, it is a halo effect and it seems to me that many of the same principles apply. I'll have to think more about how the signal from the detector actually excites the object and the field around it.

That suggests a lot of experiments.  I need a few more life times to get all of that done though.

Here are a few of the main points from the Halo Effect article crudely summarized.

Test gardens aren't much good unless they are old because the Halo Effect hasn't formed on newly buried objects.  New test gardens are not much better, if any, than an air test.

Noble metals ionize in the ground too.

Some environments create the Halo quicker than others, such as moist and acid environments.

I recommend reading the entire article.

On the Treasure Coast this morning, nothing much new in the way of beach conditions.   No wind yet.  The surf is still around 1 or 2 feet.  Expect that to continue for a few days, at least.

There is no organized activity in the tropics to watch.

Low tide today will be about 11:30 AM.

Happy hunting,

A need is the first step to a solution.  There are no victories without battles.  In religious terms, a need is the first requirement and ingredient in the making of a miracle.   TG.