Wednesday, September 19, 2018

9/19/18 Report - Treasure Digging Dog. Ancient Gold Coins Found. Slightly Higher Surf for T. C.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Ancient Gold Coins Found in Theatre Basement
Source: See FoxNews link below.

Hundreds of Roman gold coins have been unearthed in the basement of an Italian theater.

The coins were found in a stone container during excavations at the site of a former theater in Como, northern Italy, according to the country's Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities (MiBAC)…
Here is the link for more about that.

3000-year-old Treasure Discovered by Dog.

It was a typical March day under the Orlické Mountains and Mr. Frankota was walking his dog, Monty, along one of the fields. Suddenly Monty began frantically digging and when Mr. Frankota came to have a look at what all the fuss was about, he noticed that bronze, sickle like objects were appearing.

Eventually, 13 of the sickles, as well as two spear points, three axes and a number of bracelets were discovered. All are dated to be over 3000 years old... 

Here is the link about the treasure digging dog.


Steve M. sent the following comments on Muntz metal.

I read your article( I love your articles!) about Muntz metal sheathing.  Muntz metal is brass which as we know does not last underwater in saltwater at all.  It is an alloy of copper and zinc.  Zinc is very quick to corrode in saltwater, especially near other more noble metals such as copper.  That is why Muntz metal did not stay on the market long, it would dissolve, fairly quickly, where pure copper would last forever.  Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin.  Tin is super stainless and rust/corrosion resistant but fairly soft.  Mixed with copper to make bronze, it is perfect.  Better than stainless steel in corrosion resistance.  Steve M. in Sarasota, FL. ---
The Atlantic is pretty quiet again. The surf on the Treasure Coast will be a bit higher though.
Happy hunting,