Thursday, December 26, 2019

12/26/19 Report - High Tides and Treasure Coast Beaches. Copper Heart Find. Continuing Surf.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

John Brooks Beach Wednesday.
I took a quick look at the beach Wednesday.  The water had been up high and the four-foot cuts that were at John Brooks a day or two ago were gone.

Below is another view of John Brooks beach as it looked Wednesday near noon.

John Brooks Beach Wednesday.

Frederick Douglass beach had been smoothed out too.

Frederick Douglass Beach Wednesday.

Frederick Douglass wasn't much different.  In the photo below, there was one detectorist down around the bend. 

Frederick Douglass Beach Wednesday.

Pelicans Over Frederick Douglass Beach Wednesday.

I noticed a lot of pelicans flying south yesterday.  I don't know what that means, if anything, but I haven't been seeing many pelicans in recent years until Wednesday.

Pelicans are great wind surfers.  Wish I could do that.

Fort Pierce South Jetty Wednesday.

Almost all of the most recent renourishment sand has disappeared at Fort Pierce South Jetty Park.  You know what that means.  It won't be long before they start dumping sand again.


I found a copper puffed heart a few days ago.  I forget which day now, but I had some years ago found one just like it and also a silver one with the same kind of wire connectors shown in the photo below from Deagan's book.

Ornamental Glass Heart Jewelry Shown in Deagan's Book,
Artifacts of the Spanish Colonies of Florida and the Caribbean.  P. 129.

Below are two photos of the copper one that I found about a week or two ago.  The photo on the right shows the heart on a Roosevelt dime with the tip up to show the hole on that side.  There is a similar hole on the top of the heart for a wire connector.

Treasure Coast Copper Puffed Heart Beach Find.
The silver one that I found years ago is almost like the copper one shown here.  I think it still has the wire connectors like the ones shown on the Deagan example.


You know you are old when you go into the store and the Santa ringing the bell looks renarkably young.


We are having some high tides and some decent surf.

Here are the surf predictions.

Happy hunting,