Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com.
Lead Ingot Found by Detectorist.
Source: See ShropshireStar link below.
One of the most significant Roman objects found in Wales in recent years has been discovered by a metal detectorist.
Rob Jones discovered a metal object in a field near Rossett and careful digging revealed the corner of a lead object with ‘writing’ on it...
The object found was a large lead ingot or ‘pig’ (about half a metre long, weighing 63 kilograms). The ‘writing’ reported by Mr Jones was a cast Latin inscription confirming that it was Roman and about 2,000 years old...
Lead ore or galena contains silver as well as lead, and both were valuable commodities for the Romans.
Less than a hundred lead ingots of this type are known from the mines of Roman Britain...
Here is the link for the rest of that article.
Here is the link for the rest of that article.
Yesterday DJ asked where the Fort Pierce casino was. JamminJack said,
The Casino was on the lot where you park to fish on the the north side of Ft. Pierce Inlet. We used to find old tokens, etc, after it was torn down. I want to say it was still around in the 1960s, but I am not sure.
He also said the hotel he identified as Sexton's in yesterdays post could have actually been the Sebastian Inn, and included the following information he found.
The old swing bridge at Wabasso was removed, renovated and now lives at Disneyworld as part of the Main Street Railroad.
Alberto S. alerted me to that, and sent the following picture of the bridge.
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Old Wabasso Bridge at Disneyworld.
Submitted by Alberto S.
Here is a link that tells more about that.
There is now a tropical depression in the Atlantic - Dolly. It is far north of us and will never affect us, but it is the time of year when you have to stay alert for tropical storm activity. As you know, summer storms can produce some of the best metal detecting.
We are getting some decent negative tides and the surf is still small.
Happy hunting,