Monday, November 28, 2016

11/28/16 Report - Some Cuts Around The Treasure Coast. Story of 1715 Fleet Gold Plate.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

John Brooks Beach This Morning Near Low Tide.

Above is a picture of John Brooks beach this morning before low tide.  You can see that some sand has moved.

Detectorist Working John Brooks This Morning.

We had a good stiff north wind yesterday, which removed some sand.  Too bad the wind shifted.  Now the waves are hitting from the East.  It is best when there is a sustained north/northeast wind.

When the wind shifts, one spot can cut out and then fill up again, and it doesn't take long.

The cuts are not back near the dunes.  The water didn't get high enough.

Darrel S. sent the following report Sunday.

Went north of Chucks, but not much. Wind had picked up and a ton of seaweed. A lot of sand on the beaches north of inlet. We went to Turtle Trail and I went north to Seagrape. Huge wall from Turtle Trail to Seagrape. You guys call it cuts, but it is renourishment. Saw several detectorists working the aka cuts. The midline had a huge hump up and down then sloped into flat area in front of shoreline. Black sand on some of the digs. Found some bolts, few pennies, and Canadian coins very clean. There was a massive pile of rope off one of the barges. Very valuable if someone could get it off the beach. In front of where some of the gold was found last year. 

Thanks  much Darrel.

Paul G. sent this photo of the Turtle Trail north.

North of Turtle Trail This Morning.
Photo submitted by Paul G.

This photo shows the area between Turtle Trail and Seagrape Trail this morning.  There were three feet cuts in some spots, as you can see from the photo.

Paul G. said there were still some of those dimes and Canadian coins popping up in this area.

North of Turtle Trail This Morning
Photo submitted by Paul G.
In the photo above you can see the seaweed in from of the cut, indicating that the cut started to fill already.

It looks like much of the Treasure Coast got some small amount of erosion.

As far as beach detecting conditions, this is sort of in between.  It is slightly improved, but not enough for many cobs to be found.

I wouldn't be surprised if a few scattered cobs were found.  I haven't seen some of the beaches and don't know what they are doing, but my guess is that they are pretty similar to those you see above.

I'm thinking of changing my rating scale just a little.  I need something to indicate conditions like these.  They are transitional with the possibility of a few scattered finds, but conditions are not good enough for what I would rate as  a "2."


Here is an article about the gold plate that was found by a local diver back about forty years ago.  Good read.


The surf will be decreasing the next few days, so I don't expect any additional improvement.  It might be a good chance to check out the low tide area.

Happy hunting,