Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of TreasureBeachesReport.
Before I get into other things today, I wanted to show a few photos. John Brooks has a new pile of sand on the front beach.
It might not be easy to see in the photos, but it is like a new sand bar on the front beach. That sand will continually shift in and out and work its way slowly south with the littoral currents.
Turtle Trail actually lost an inch or two of sand over the bags since the last photo that I showed.
Tyler C. sent these photos of Turtle Trail that were taken Thursday morning. Thanks Tyler.
The stairs at Seagrape are taped off. If the access isn't closed now, I suspect it will be soon.
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Stairs at Seagrape Trail
Photo by DJ
The surf will remain only one or two feet for a few days. The wind is off-shore.
I've been intending to study the effect of wave periods, but really haven't gotten around to that in any kind of systematic thorough way yet.
Not long ago I posted Bill P's directions for cleaning cobs with Muriatic acid. I've received emails thanking me for posting that information.
Jammin Jack gave it a try. Here is what he said.
After reading your responses to using muriatic acid on coins, I took a chance on my last 3 coins. I diluted as mentioned, and used a soft nylon brush. A lot faster, but still needed scrubbing. I think they came out okay.
We always dumped our EOs in similar solution, but coins were either left as found or electrolysis. I always had someone clean my coins. Learning experience for a salty dog! Thank you for doing a section on cleaning coins...
We always dumped our EOs in similar solution, but coins were either left as found or electrolysis. I always had someone clean my coins. Learning experience for a salty dog! Thank you for doing a section on cleaning coins...
Below are some of the coins Jack cleaned.
Eight Reale From the Bruce Ward Estate.
Photo by Jammin Jack. |
Above is an eight reale from the Bruce Ward estate that was cleaned by Jammin Jack using the Muriatic acid method described by Bill P. as previously posted in this blog. Below is the same coin in its uncleaned state.
Same Eight-Reale Before Cleaning.
Photo submitted by Jammin Jack.
Here is another example from Jack. First the uncleaned coin.
Looks great, Jack. Thanks for sharing the results.
Auggie Garcia of Sedwick Coins once told me that most people who buy treasure coins like them bright and shiny.
For your convenience, I added the post on cleaning coins to the reference site link list that you'll find on the first page of the blog. It is the second link listed.
Uncleaned Eight Reale
Photo by Jammin Jack.
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Same Eight Reale After Cleaning.
Photo by Jammin Jack.
Looks great, Jack. Thanks for sharing the results.
Auggie Garcia of Sedwick Coins once told me that most people who buy treasure coins like them bright and shiny.
For your convenience, I added the post on cleaning coins to the reference site link list that you'll find on the first page of the blog. It is the second link listed.
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Blueprint.
I received the following email concerning the FKNMS blueprint from the Mel Fisher organization as well as from another reader of this blog.
The proposed expansion and new regulations of the “FKNMS blueprint” would discourage and quite possibly outlaw future explorers, researchers, historians, and salvagers from working other shipwrecks in the FKNMS. It will not stop Mel Fisher’s Expeditions on the Atocha and Margarita sites because they are grandfathered in due to “Pre-Existing Federal Admiralty Claims”.
Please help us protect the shipwrecks and the rights of future generations by signing the petition below. The proposed regulations support leaving artifacts on the bottom ‘in-situ’ to rot. In-situ preservation is a total fallacy, a fact admitted to even by NOAA’s archaeologist. The expansion and new regulations would also negatively impact our locals, our visitors and a variety of businesses by limiting access to backcountry channels and sandbars, adding new no-motor zones, adding new no-access zones and imposing many other new overreaching regulations.
The expansion and new regulations would also have a severe negative impact on our commercial fishing, charter boat fishing, snorkeling, diving industries and just about all water related tourist activities. The damage to these industries will hurt tourism and create a negative "trickle down effect" on the entire economy in the Florida Keys.
You don’t have to be a Florida resident to sign this petition.
Please SHARE or Forward this so we can get as many signatures as possible and show massive support to stop the expansion and over regulation of the Federal Government in our beautiful Florida Keys.
Please help us help our community and future generations by signing the petition at: SayNoToNOAA.org
============================== ================
Our mailing address is:
Mel Fisher's Treasures
1322 US Highway 1
Sebastian, FL 32958
Our telephone:
Forward this email to a friend:
FKNMS is the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.
Use this link to sign the petition.
I have a lot of information back-logged waiting to be posted. There has been so much going on this winter.
I plan to continue my discussion of beach dynamics, which people have told me they found very helpful. I also plan to talk about the Winter Beach salvage camps, finds, including mystery finds, "big scoopin," and many other topics.
A lot of snowbirds have been detecting along the Treasure Coast lately. I've heard from quite a few of them. The Treasure Coast seems to be getting a lot of Sprint Break metal detecting action.
That's all for now.
Happy hunting,