Friday, November 23, 2018

11/23/18 Report (Part 2) - A Look At Current Beach Conditions.

Written by the TreasureGuide  for the exclusive use of

Fort Pierce South Jetty Park Friday Morning.
We had north winds the past couple of days, but not much surf.  The tides were high though, so I went out to see what was happening.  The surf was now hitting the beach straight on.  

As you can see, there was some erosion at South Jetty Park.  There were a few coins washing out of the beach.  Some looked like they came with the renourishment sand.

John Brooks Beach This Morning.
John Brooks beach had some cuts that were about three feet high.  They weren't continuous though.

John Brooks Beach This Morning.
There were also a few darkened clad coins coming out of John Brooks beach.

Frederick Douglass Beach This Morning.
Frederick Douglas Beach was not as cut as John Brooks.  That has been typical lately.

Walton Rocks Beach This Morning.
No cutting at Walton Rocks beach.

Happy hunting,