Tuesday, November 27, 2018

11/27/18 Report - Cache of Coins Found. World Coins Found On Florida Beaches. Spying In Your Home.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com.

Celtic Coin Cache.

Archaeologists found a treasure of Celtic coins in Mošovce near Turčianske Teplice. The finding of 40 coins contains the most precious coins that Celts minted in this era, so-called tetradrachms...

The coins were scattered in a steep slope. Archaeologists found a place where they were packed in a small knot of organic substance and thanks to soil erosion, they scattered on the slope. They also found out that Celts put them into soil in times of battles at the beginning of anno Domini. It is already the second large-scale finding of coins in this area, the first being in 2008...

“We have to make a maximum effort to overtake raiders because everywhere we research we find tracks after people who were there before us,” he said, as quoted by SITA, adding that unfortunately they have already lost many findings. He would appreciate an amendment that would allow the cooperation of professionals with amateur finders, as it works in many other countries...

Here is the link.


In the news items I post, there will be tips that are applicable to detectorists anywhere.  In this article you'll find mention of erosion, which is a big topic for me.  Erosion can reveal things on land as well as at the beach.  The article also talks about the reason the cache was concealed and how the container deteriorated so that the cache was scattered.  The article also calls for cooperation between archaeologists and detectorists, something else I've also written about in this blog.


You'll notice that the coins shown above show horses.  Coins feature subjects that are important to the culture for some reason, and you might therefore be able to tell something about the culture from the coins.

Many 1715 Fleet coins that we find on the Treasure Coast feature a cross on one side.  Many show a coat of arms.  Others show the Pillars of Hercules.

US coins often feature a President, but their are many other subjects, such as landmarks or symbolic objects.

From an informal survey of the world coins I've found, mostly in Florida, I'd say that Queen Elizabeth has to be on more coins than any other person or subject.  Not only is she on the coins of England but also the coins of other countries, such as Canada.

I've found coins that feature some more unusual subjects such as starfish or squid.  Some coins show objects that I don't recognize.  I could probably find out what they are if I look it up.

You can find coins from most countries on Florida beaches.  I thought I'd start a list of some of those I've found (just off the top of my head).   I can add to the list as readers provide additional ones that they've found.  The very uncommon ones will probably be the most interesting.  I have a couple somewhere from countries that I never heard of.

Here are some that I've found just to start the list.

Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Canada, Cuba, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Haiti, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Poland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Tobago, Uruguay, Virgin Islands.

I think I have a few other strange ones, but would have to go find them.

If you have any to add to the list, send me the name of the country, and if you can, add a photo of the coin.


The plans that some of the companies have for the near future are amazing, including snooping into your life, not only what you do on the internet, but using cameras and microphones, including those on electronic devices in your home.

According to the following article, they will use recognition software to identify things such as the picture on the shirt you are wearing in your home and use that information to provide advertising or otherwise "maximize" your experience.  You probably already know that they can track the stores or establishments you visit even when your smartphone is turned off.  At least that is what I read.

Here is the link.



The wind shifted and some cooler air moved in last night.

The tides are still nice and high on the Treasure Coast but the surf is going to be only about two feet for the next few days.

Happy hunting,