Wednesday, April 8, 2020

4/8/20 Report - Hoard Found in Farm Field. Wile E. Coyote. Reader Comments. Prayer and Meditation. Statistics. Big Tides.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Roman Hoard Discovered by Farmer.
Source: See ScienceInPoland link below.

A farmer has discovered one of the largest hauls of Roman coins to ever be found in Poland.

Mariusz Dyl had been looking for abandoned antlers in a field near Cichobórz, south of Hrubieszów, Lublin, when he stumbled upon the 2,000-year-old coins scattered across 100 metres of the field.
After calling in experts, the 1,753 coins weighing 5.5kg and which were found in 2019, were taken to the Hrubieszów Museum where they have now been analysed and their authenticity confirmed.
Director of the Museum Bartłomiej Bartecki said: “This is undoubtedly the largest treasure from the Roman period in the Lublin region and one of the largest found in Poland so far...

According to Bartecki, all the coins, had been originally placed in a wooden box or leather pouch. While the remains of the container have not survived, it is known that it was decorated with silver-plated bronze rivets...

Notice the metal detectors being used in the photo below.

Source: ScienceInPoland link below.

Here is the link for the rest of the article.


Here is a humorous find.  It is small - only as wide as a US quarter.   I didn't realize what it was before I took a really good look at it.

Wile E. Coyote Charm Find?

Proves that the Knights Templar liked Road Runner cartoons.  I've seen too much baloney on TV.


JamminJack said, It seems the courts dismiss the law suit against Governor Desantis in regards to closed beaches. The news did not say anything about the law suit. I had seen where some resorts, homes, etc., wanted their beaches open. 

Maybe you can get some readers give more info. 

Anybody know anything about that?

Jack was also wondering about open and closed beaches and what was going on.

A few days ago I read that Fort Pierce or St. Lucie County was going to keep the boat ramps open if people acted responsibly.

Monday the pier and walkway along the Fort Pierce inlet was open even though the beach was closed.  Also along A1A people were parking and putting kayaks in as normal along one popular stretch where people often fish in the river.  A sheriff's car was parked just a short distance from there and appeared to have no problem with that.

If you think about it fishing and boating is a grocery store for some people, not to mention the relaxation and stress relief.


Got a message from Dan B. as follows.

Now is a time to come together when we cannot physically hug or touch or shake hands. In moments when our friends or family are hurting or in need. This becomes especially difficult.

Adapting and figuring out ways to do this can seem frustrating, but that is what comes before change.

Keeping ourselves at home and fighting for everyone we care for is crucial, yet we lose our social interactions and abilities to be free....and most of all breathe.

I truly hope that everyone can stay as positive as possible and remember we can help many from a distance.

I am just venting and hope this rubs off. Some people really need encouragement, hope, love, and especially treasure. 

Always appreciating treasure coast beach blog. 

Thanks for sharing Dan.

Although I hate to see government forcing churches to close for Easter or anytime, it won't stop prayer and meditation.  This Easter can be an especially powerful and meaningful time of spiritual growth for those who devote themselves to prayer and meditation during the crisis.  

People tend to think of prayer as picking up the phone and calling God.  I look at it the other way around.  Your phone is ringing.  It is time for you to answer.  

You might be interested in the book, Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and The Practice of Medicine, by Larry Dossey, MD.

He actually presents some randomized double-blind experiments as well as the more anecdotal.


You can find a lot of quotations about statistics.  Here are a couple I liked.

Torture statistics and they'll confess to anything.

98% of all statistics are made up.

Here are some misleading things we've been hearing from the experts lately.  If I acted like the press and didn't like the source, I'd call them lies, otherwise I might describe them as misleading errors.

1st.  They say that the numbers show that our mitigation efforts are working.  That is based upon a comparison of the numbers collected (which are very misleading) with the model predictions (which have no proven validity at all.  Dr, Birx said when this is all over we can gather the data and see if  how correct they were).  It appears that the predictions given by the particular model they most often cite could have been off by as much as a factor of thrity.  A wild guess, at best.  

2nd.  If what Dr. Brix says is right, the death rates we are seeing presented as a COVID-19 deaths include anybody that dies and is found to have COVID antibodies.  That is a little like saying that everybody that has flat feet and dies, died from flat feet.  At best those numbers are very misleading.  Unknown numbers of those same people would have likely died if they never got the virus.


Tomorrow I'll show you an interesting project you can do while waiting for an opportunity to go out metal detecting.  I just received it in an email.  Very nice.

We are getting some very big high tides now even thought the surf is down around 2 - 4 feet.

Have a blessed Holy Week.