Friday, October 19, 2018

10/19/18 Report - More Treasure Displays. Metals That Coins Are Made Of. Bigger Surf Monday.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Finds by Sebastian Steve.

Here is what Sebastian Steve had to say about the bottles shown above.

… Nice assortment of bottles post Civil War.

The corked bottle was 1865 champagne that was wedged upside down in the piping on the steam engine of a Great Lakes passenger steamship.  

Amazingly it was very heavy glass and still sealed.  And yes... I did drink it with friends on my birthday.  Was still good...but lacking the normal effervescence of a champagne.  Still had some bubbling however and a pleasant flavor.  

More like a nice plum wine in character.  Almost glad it was not fully up to this bottle would have brought a thousand dollars or more with documentation.  (:

Other assorted 1865 beer (brown) and whiskey(amber) and wine (green) bottles.  A  liniment bottle with contents that still feel good on an aching muscle! 

And the blue ink well.  

Thanks Steve.

I like bottles, but they've become a bit of a problem for me.  They take up a lot of room.  I sold some and would like to sell some more when I get around to it.

Bottles and pottery can look nice on a book shelf or mantle.


Finds Displayed by Terry T.
Photo by Terry T.

Terry said, The Cobs and escudoes are fake, but the fossils, shells, copper spikes, pottery, and a few other 
items are real... 

Thanks Terry.

You might have noticed that Terry and others used fake coins in their displays. That is not surprising.
Very fine rare and valuable coins in many cases should not be mounted.  It is easy to make a big mistake
by ever so slightly damaging coins.  You have to be careful about that.

I have a few posts planned on coins, including a method for making a nice but inexpensive coin display.

Here is a very informative site about coins and the many metals used to make coins.

Make sure to scroll down to the text.


I spent part of an evening watching a bold bobcat hunting my yard.  I saw his tracks many times
before, but this is the first time I saw him.  Unfortunately I didn't manage to get any pictures.

There is a big fish kill along parts of the Indian River.  The biggest I've seen in my area.

The Treasure Coast tides are flat and according to MagicSeaWeed the surf will remain small until

Happy hunting,