Monday, October 22, 2018

10/22/18 Report - Fall Front Starts Erosion On Treasure Coast Beaches. Early Roots of Slavery In Viriginia

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

John Brooks Beach This Afternoon.
A front came through with a little period of northeast wind and created some cuts along the Treasure Coast.  As you can see above, there was a bigger cut above and the most recent tide left a lower fresh cut.

Here is the view to the south.

John Brooks Beach This Afternoon.
There were a few dead fish on the beach, but not many.

A lot of people report that there is something in the air that makes a person cough.  Both I and my wife coughed from it.

Dead Fish at John Brooks.

TV News reported the Pepper Park and Indian River County Beaches were closed because of Red Tide.

Cuts Above New Cut.

The sand on the beach front was not very firm.

Surf Near Low Tide.

Walton Rocks Beach This Afternoon.

Walton Rocks, unlike John Brooks, was not cut at all.


Dug From An Early 1600s Virginia Site

Here is an article digging into the history of some of the earliest African servants or slaves in America.


I don't know how widespread the erosion was.  I didn't see any other beaches.

We are starting to get some of the Fall cuts that are typical.  At least the weather is improving.

It looks like we won't get any more good surf real soon.

Happy hunting,