Saturday, November 16, 2019

11/16/19 Report - Recent Finds: Musket Balls and Ring. Great White Sharks Migrating. Bigger Surf Coming Soon.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Recent Treasure Coast Beach Finds.
Finds and photo by DJ
Here are some recent finds made by DJ. 

DJ had the following to say about the musket ball finds.

-Musket balls - pleased the Equinox found these so effortlessly. I think if there is a good target within 8-10 inches this machine will find it most times. 

-lots of lead bits, too small to identify. 

The musket balls were where one might expect; found on the 10th. The next day I went back and only found a small musket ball that was cut into a 1/8 piece. 

DJ wondered why some of the musket balls were cut down in size. What do you think?

He also found the following ring which he described as, Gold-ish ring - light weight ring and found in a large shell pile against the odds...

Ring Found by DJ.

The ring was found back when the shells were being thrown up, I hit 6 targets that sounded pretty good on the Equinox but each were the old pull ‘rings’. The 7th was this ring. I took it into West Bay for an opinion that turned out to be ‘not old’ I appreciate those folks opinions very much.

So I started to clean the ring, first soaking, then gently prying off the green, then 10% acid and when nothing else happened I tried electrolysis for an hour. Seemed to help and I was able to get enough crust off to determine a pattern engraved or stamped into the ring. So I began to use some (hand rubbed) light metal jewelry polish and broke it into four pieces.

Further reading I found a reference to 9k gold that was mixed with silver or brass and had gold applied to the surface. Someone else had a similar experience and thought that his gold and green ring was the base metal leaching out, giving it a green ‘silverish’ look. Hated that I broke but glad it was not a really old or valuable find. 

Ring Broken in Four Parts.
Photo by DJ

Thanks for sharing your finds and comments DJ!  Congrats.


great white shark measuring 9-foot-8 inches in length has been tracked entering Albemarle Sound—a large estuary on the coast of North Carolina...

OCEARCH has been tracking sharks off the North American east coast for several years, revealing how great whites often migrate thousands of miles from more northerly latitudes to the warmer waters off the coast of Georgia, the Carolinas and Florida during the winter...

Here is the link for more about that.

By the way, I understand that the North Carolina beaches have had some good erosion lately.  But it is also cold there.



November beach conditions have been better than they were the past few months.  With the beach sand levels reduced in some locations, further erosion could get us down to some good hunting.

One thing I noticed a few days ago when checking out a cut below the Fort Pierce inlet, the eroded beach was curved, as you would expect, and while the sand in front of most of the cut was mushy, there was a spot that was less mushy and where more targets were found.  I don't think it was a coincidence that the firmer sand and better targets were at the spot where the beach curved most sharply.

If you walk along the beach front and find a firmer spot, check it out.

Happy hunting,