Monday, May 20, 2019

5/20/19 Report - Treasure Lore of the Jensen and Sewall's Point Areas. Pirate Don Pedro Gilbert. Bottle Finds.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Source: Trial of the Twelve Spanish Pirates of the Schooner Panda, a Guinea Slaver

The Jensen and Sewall's Point area has been very much neglected in treasure lore.  There are many scattered rumors as well as finds and documented history, but the area hasn't received near the attention that has been focused on some other areas.  I'm amazed that one of Frank Hudson's books that lists 133 Florida treasure shipwrecks completely skips the area between Jupiter and Fort Pierce, for example.   It definitely deserves more attention than it receives.

A couple days ago I posted a photo of a cannon ball that was found in the Jensen area.  SW sent me the following email in response.

I am not surprised at the cannonball. I know of a small hand cannon found in a yard on Sailfish Point. There was mention by a mid 19 Century survey team of ruins in the Jenson area. I know the location but have never been granted permission to hunt. I believe it was a pirate hideout. It is also known ships used the river to bleach their sails. I have not been out for over a year due to a job change, less free time. I read the blog daily. Like you say there are many forms of treasure hunting. I still treasure hunt, just a different kind. I also have enough items to research probably the rest of my life. I have several fantastic sites I know of, some with maps. Just can't get permission to hunt. Maybe someday I will do a book, I tried a blog just do not have the dedication it takes. Best hunting to all. SW.

In this blog I've posted about Pirate Don Pedro Gilbert, who gave his name to Gilbert's Bar. If you want to research it, you should know that his name is sometimes spelled differently. In my 1/13/13 post, I gave a link to a free ebook about his trial (See photo above.)

I also remember once posting about a kid in a canoe finding a musket barrel at Indian Riverside Park, but I can't seem to find that post now.  If you can find it, please let me know.

On an old map there is an area on the river near Gilbert's Bar that is marked something like Bleech Yarde.  That is probably the same one that SW referred to.  I can't find the map right now either.

There is a TV show that I've seen a few times that shows Brent and Jonah and another fellow or two magging for a wreck off Jensen Beach.  At the end there was a find.  If I remember that one correctly, it was a sword hilt.

I'm having brain overload, I guess.

Then there are the middens at Mount Elizabeth and Mount Pisgah, and the remnants of a coquina building thought to be a pirate hangout.

But there is much more than that.  There was a novel written by a local author who conducted a lot of research and had maps and documentation of tunnels and gold at Sewall's Point.

There is also the story about a motel worker and maintenance man at an old motel that no longer exists that was located just north of the current Jensen Beach park who found a box or barrel of gold after a storm.

All that said, it is a very historic area with a lot of treasure lore.

Here is a little of the history of Sewall's Point.

 I just recalled another book by Frank Hudson that does place several found and buried treasures around that area the St. Lucie Inlet area.  The title is something like Buried Treasures of Florida's East Coast.

You can't put much faith in Frank Hudson, even though I mentioned him a couple times today.  His reputation for accuracy is not great.   I first mentioned him to illustrate how that area of the Treasure Coast hadn't received a lot of attention.

That isn't everything, of course.   I just listed the first things that I thought of.

Long ago I put together my own list derived from numerous sources.  

I  just found the printouts, but am not going to go through all of that now.


Yesterday I posted some pictures of three Waterman's ink bottles that I found.  Here is another older one.  It is a two oz. bottle for no. 6 ink.

Waterman's Ink Bottle
Two Views.
Since I don't get many chances to metal detect anymore, I do some eye-balling when I get the urge to go hunting.  Last night I found two embossed Coca Cola bottles, which is what I was hoping to find, however they weren't as old or as valuable as what I hoped to find.

One was a Fort Pierce and the other was from Avon Park, which I think is a new one for me.


Happy hunting,