Sunday, May 5, 2019

5/5/19 Report - Valuable Gold Pendant Beach Find. Gold Coins Found. More On The Copper Bracelet. Trained Marine Animal.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Two Sides of Gold Pendant Found on Beach.
Photo by Mag

This is a curious one for me.  I received an email from Mag, who said her son found this pendant "under a rock on the beach in San Diego."  Mag says it was taken to a jeweler who said it was 39 grams of "pure" gold, and the jeweler offered $2000.  That would be very close to the value of the gold content.  Another guy reportedly offered 120K.  I don't know why that would be, but as I was writing this I noticed something.  There appears to be a mark under the ankh.  I can't make it out in the photo, but could it be a Tiffany Art Deco piece or perhaps a work by a famous artist?  It does appear to be a quality piece.

Great find!  And thanks for sharing.


I got an email from John E. who said, ......a guy that works for me told me he and his wife were looking for shells on Cumberland Island (Georgia/Florida border) after a hard blow back in 2007-2008....lots of great shells , but found 3 gold coins ( irregular shape according to him) under some shells and a "game warden " walked over and told him...."those are the property of the state of Georgia" I will have to take them, and he gave the coins to him. Can this be true?

I mentioned relevant issues and how it could definitely be true.

I know that Cumberland Island is a very historic place, and it could well have been found on state lands or a designated historic or archaeological site.  Also I mentioned the mean high tide line.

Whether the warden's actions were justified or not, it would have been nice if the finder got a photo of the coins and got the name of the warden for possible follow-up.

It is good to have a camera with you.  It can help document situations and help you demonstrate when you are in the right.


One more person provided some thoughts on the copper bracelet found by Terry S.   Laura Strolia sent me an article which included the following sentence.  ... it is not uncommon for Aztec artist to create generalized deity figures that are based on the likeness of a particular deity and imbued with her characteristics, while not directly representing that deity....  

Attempting to briefly summarize the email and article that Laura sent me, I think it would be fair to say that the copper bracelet might show a stylized deity consistent with an Aztec, Mexican or South American cultural influence.

Here is the link to the article Laura sent.

Laura also mentioned to me the popularity of copper arts and crafts jewelry from the 1960s and 1970s.  I've found quite a bit of that.

Thanks Laura.

I did my first post on this topic too soon.  I should have waited a few days.


Very often my first response to an email or question isn't my best response.  For example, in the case of the gold pendant shown above, I responded to the email before noticing the faint sign of a  mark below the ankh, and I didn't think of the possibility of the item being an antique like those that were popular during Art Deco period.  I also didn't initially think of the possibility of it being made by a famous artist or company such as Tiffany.  I very often regret answering quickly and have to add to or edit my response.  That happened at least three different times this week.

Mag originally contacted me after seeing the gold Cleopatra pendant find that I posted by in 2013.  I had actually forgotten about that.

Yesterday's post on bottles sent me back through a tour of my old bottle posts.  That tour reminded me of a lot of other old finds that I forgot.  I also was reminded of my original intentions for my Bottle Barn site, which I haven't added to in a long time.

Some of the short paragraphs I post take me a long time to write.  One famous author - I forget who now - apologized to someone for writing such a long letter, and explained it was because he didn't have enough time.  It can take a lot of time to boil things down to a clear concise statement.  It is sometimes much quicker and easier to ramble on.


I just took my first look at the recently concluded Sedwick auction and noticed that many lots went for two, three or more times the upper auction estimate.

The nice Santiago Chile quarter reales did very well, as did the blue and white Ming dynasty china.  Those are just two categories that stuck out to me on my first look.


Perhaps you saw the reports of the Beluga Whale wearing a harness that turned up around Norway.  The news sources seem to be calling it a Russian spy.

Here is that link.

Animals, including marine animals such as dolphins, have been trained for military functions.  I wonder what a trained sea otter could do?  I think he might be pretty good at diving for coins or whatever you trained him to look for.  Just a fun thought.


It looks like in a few days we might get one day of three to five-foot surf.  Otherwise the surf will be more like two or three foot.

Happy hunting,