Monday, September 3, 2018

9/3/18 Report - Erosion Alert! Beach Conditions Upgrade. Tropical Storm Gordon.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Erosion at John Brooks Beach This Morning.
I woke up this morning and saw the kind of weather I like -windy and rainy - so I decide to take a look at the beaches.  I haven't been to the beach hardly at all this summer.  Among other things I've been working an inland site.  But the weather is more like what i like to see, so I checked some South Hutchinson Island beaches.

Above you can see what John Brooks looked like this morning.  The cut was about three feet high and ran for hundreds of yards at about the same height.  I guess that happened either late yesterday or last night.  

You can also see the seaweed, which shows that after the cut occurred, the beach started to fill again as the tide went down.

When I got there, the surf was from the east, which is what I expected from MagicSeaWeed and

The tide was already coming in, but I did a quick check and found some greenies.

John Brooks Looking South This Morning.
In front of the cut there was still a lot of sand but almost no shells.  Unfortunately all the erosion is in sand that accumulated this summer.

Surf at John Brooks This Morning.
I haven't posted a beach conditions rating for quite some time, but I'd give the Treasure Coast beaches a 2 rating right now.

My scale is a five point scale.  1 is poor, and 5 is excellent.  I use 2 for transitional beaches.  By that I mean beach conditions that are improving but not yet good.  There is a chance of a few scattered cobs being found during level 2 conditions.

Frederick Douglass Beach This Morning.
As you can see, Frederick Douglass Beach looked almost exactly like John Brooks Beach this morning.

I went a little farther south and found the beaches down there to be a little different.

Blind Creek beaches had some sand removed.  The beach front was low and flat.  Last spring this same beach was eroded back to the dunes in places.  The erosion now is far from the dunes and the cuts were not nearly as high as those at John Brooks.

Blind Creek Beach This Morning.

Walton Rocks Beach This Morning.
You can see the flat front beach at Walton Rocks.  You can also see the sea weed and a small cut.  

Shell Bits at Walton Rocks.
I saw very few shells anywhere, but there were a few small pieces at Walton Rocks.

That gives you an idea of what is happening on some of the beaches.  

I don't believe conditions will improve any more for a few days.

Tropical Storm Gordon is headed into the Gulf and towards Louisiana.

Tropical Storms Gordon and Florence.

I had other things ready to post today, but this blog's main purpose is to keep up with beach conditions.  There has been very little other than poor beach conditions to report this summer.  I was happy to see a nice rainy day, and hope to see better beach conditions this fall.

Happy hunting,