Sunday, September 23, 2018

9/23/19 Report - Two Named Storms Now. Very Early Shipwreck Discovered. One Important Factor For Success.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of


We have two named storms in the Atlantic now: Kirk and Leslie.

It looks like Leslie will just hang around out there for a while.

Tropical Depression Eleven is weak and not expected to strengthen much.

The area just to the east of us is expected to head north. We might get some angled waves from that one.

The one to watch, in my opinion, is Kirk.  It still has a long way to go, but it looks like Kirk will be heading this direction.  It is supposed to remain a storm for several days.

Predicted Path of Kirk.

We'll have a decent surf for a couple of days, and an east northeast swell.


Archeologists have found a centuries-old shipwreck off Portugal's coast near Lisbon, a local mayor's office said Saturday.

Aboard the ship, thought to have sunk between 1575 and 1625, divers found spices, including pepper; Chinese ceramics from the period; and cowpies, a type of shell used as currency for the slave trade in some parts of Africa at the time.
The project's science director, Jorge Freire, called it the "discovery of the decade."
Very nice discovery, but "discovery of the decade"?  I don't think it is all of that.
Here is the link for more of the article.


I saw this quote today and thought it was worth posting.

"Success is not the way to happiness; happiness is the way to success."

Here is the link to the article:

I really agree with the quote, and in more ways than one.

First, how can you say someone is successful if they aren't happy.  It doesn't matter what they have or get, they just aren't happy people.  That is no kind of success that I'd be interested in.

Happiness helps people succeed.  Happy people attack projects with optimism, joy and energy.  If you love what you are doing, the chances are very good that you will do it well.

There is a clerk at my local Dollar Tree.  I enjoy meeting him every time I'm in the store.  He is young and geeky looking and his contemporaries might consider him weird, but he is always up-beat, goes beyond what he has to in order to make sure he is serving you well.  He greets people like he likes them and his work.  He knows what he is doing.  He is making his job enjoyable for both himself and his customers.  I have no doubt he will do well in life.  I know that it is only a temporary job for him and I feel certain he is working towards other things.  If I had a business and needed a worker, I'd try to recruit him.  He is excellent.

There are detectorists (very few) that have written to the TreasureGuide who seem to be unhappy.  They seem to think the world is treating them unfairly.  They criticize others and wonder why no one thinks as much of them as they should.  That won't get you anywhere.

I like to make a distinction between joy and happiness.  Joy is internal.  It doesn't come from what happens to you.  Happiness does.  When things go well you can be happy. I  don't think the author of the quote was making that distinction.

In any case, I think the quote is worth thinking about.  To me it seems very wise.


I'll be watching for changes to the beach in the coming days.

Happy hunting,

Angry grouch people never seem to be successful. How can you say someone is happy if they aren't happy.