Sunday, April 14, 2019

4/14/19 Report - Old "Imitation" Cob. Treasure In The Sewer. Artifact Collection. Coil Test Report.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Imitation Cob
Source: Current Sedwick Auction Listings.

There are some very interesting lots in the current Sedwick auction.  Lot 912 is this "imitation cob."  It looks very much like a 1752 2-reale, although it is said that it was struck in the 1820s.  I don't  know how they know when it was struck.  

Was it meant to be used as money or sold as a collectible? I have no idea.  It says it was "struck."  There are really a lot of questions about this one.   It would be very difficult to figure that all out if you dug it up. The lot description doesn't tell what metal it is made of either.

It has a bid of $400 already.

Here is the lot description.

Tucuman, Argentina, "imitation cob" 2 reales, date "752" (struck 1820-24), rare. 5.83 grams. Bold full date above waves, good full cross, AVF with coppery sediment around details.

And here is the link.

There is at least one other "imitation cob" listed in the auction.


Crews went digging through Annapolis sewer lines — and found pottery dating back thousands of years...

Here is that link.

Turn over enough ground and you are going to find something interesting.


U.S. returns 2 pre-Hispanic artifacts to Mexico...

The artifacts were among thousands ranging from arrowheads to shrunken heads that U.S. federal agents removed in a 2014 raid at an Indiana farm. The farm’s owner, Don Miller, amassed the 42,000-artifact collection over several decades. He died in 2015 at age...

Here is that link.


Here is a test report from Sebastian Steve.

... I just reluctantly bought a 7" Concentric for my Nokta Anfibio Multi (3 frequencies 5,14, 20 kHz.  Already owning the 9" Concentric, I pretty much thought later on that this purchase was a waste of money.  Not at all the same as the 9"  Moral of the story:  "Do not judge a coil by just the number of inches in diameter, far more changes come into effect."   

I was digging very small non-ferrous items in my yard today with the 7" Concentric.  Areas that have been passed over literally 30-40 times already.  But change up the coil or machine modes, and there is ALWAYS SOMETHING MORE TO BE odd tapered copper/brass bullet, a small round magnet in a conglomerate the size of an acorn, a half of a bronze screw.  All very tiny items, but monster targets due to this coil.  And again goes to show...there is ALWAYS MORE TARGETS TO BE FOUND...NO MATTER THE BEACH (ESPECIALLY THE BEACH) Your own back yard, Park, old home sites, etc., just by changing modes, tuning levels, coils, direction of approach to the field, etc.


The tides are moderate. The surf is about two or three feet, but will be decreasing for a couple of days. Low tide will be around noon.

Happy hunting,