Tuesday, April 30, 2019

4/30/19 Report - Summer Beaches. Copper Bracelet. Cookout Fun. Increased UFO Sightings Concerns Military.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com.

Frederick Douglass Beach Sunday
Photo by DJ
Thanks DJ.

Looks like we are getting into real summer conditions.  You might think about making changes to where and how you hunt.


Terry S. found this bracelet and would like to hear your ideas about it. Here is what he said.

This was a beach find in an area that has produced ship wreck artifacts for me in the past. I found it quite a while back and had really forgot about it until today.  I attended the treasure hunters cookout and on a whim took it with me and showed it to a few people there. They all agreed that it was copper and old and they had some interesting ideas. I enjoyed and appreciated all the input I received on the gold pendant and even had people approach me at the cookout to discuss it...  I enjoy your blog and read it daily and appreciate the information that you pass along.  Sincerely, Terry Shannon

It has two faces on it.  Here are the photos.

Jerry also said it was totally encrusted when found, but it cleaned up well.

Send me your thoughts.


2019 Annual Treasure Hunter's Cookout
Photo by Joe D.
Yesterday I posted an email from Chris N. telling about how good a time he and his son had at the cookout.  Here are a couple photos of the scalawags, pirates and other characters that attended.

2019 Annual Treasure Hunter's Cookout
Photo by Joe D.


I added one suggestion by Bill P. to yesterday's post.  I added it a little late, so in case you missed it, Bill suggested having the white pieces of melted metal test by XRF analysis.  Good idea.


The military has been observing an increased number of UFO sightings and wants them taken more seriously.  They are developing new reporting guidelines.

Maybe you'll find some previously unknown metals from undocumented aliens from space. 

Here is the link on the sightings increase and new guidelines.



Looks like we'll be having nothing but a two to four foot surf for a while.

Happy hunting,