Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com.
I posted this picture yesterday but promised to take a closer look at some of the objects. I was glad I did.
If you've been paying close attention and keeping track, you know that we've had some beach condition upgrades in November, December and January. The latest being this week. Each of those upgrades were similar in some respects, and when considered together provide some good clues.
Everybody seems to like the beach photos, but you'll get even more value out of them if you keep track of them over time and consider them in context of whatever else is going on.
I showed one group of small finds I made yesterday. Previously I also showed some of the small finds made in November and December. There are some similar items, and many of them came from the same area of the same beach.
Captain Jonah found this nice little piece back in November.
And here are a couple small finds I previously showed. One of those small tacks was found in November and the other in December. I think you'll find them in my 12/20/19 post.
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Two Small Tack Finds in Recent Months. |
I'd be glad to receive any and all ideas about what these small tacks might have been used for.
The following small pieces were also found in the same area back in December, if I correctly recall.
I wondered about them when they were found. Now it seems they might be part of a grouping, possibly coming from the same source as some of those found this week. I'm interested in the possible source, if and how they might be related, and if they might be used as a clue or signal.
Below is one of the items found this week. You can also see it in the picture at the top of the post.
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Small Square Nail. |
This is a common type of nail found on a number of the Treasure Coast shipwreck beaches.
Below is another item found this week at the same location.
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Item Found This Week. |
I thought this one was a screw until I looked at it under magnification and found it had no threads and a blunt end. Maybe a rivet? It has the same patina as the nail shown above, but the shank is more round than square. It seems to be of the same material as the nail.
Small Piece of Metal That Originally Had a Square Connector in the Hole. |
When I picked up the item above it was covered with sand, and I thought it could be a reale. The little square on the right side of the dime is the head of a small square connector that was in the hole until it fell out after some handling. In this photo it looks like rusted material, but it does not look rusted when viewed normally. I'm going to have to spring for an XRF analyzer someday. I think this item is probably more modern, but don't know for sure.
Below is a piece found in November or December. It seems to be of the same material as the piece found this week, which you can see top and center beside the knife point in the photo at the top of this post.
Cuprous Object Found in November or December. |
I've been looking at this one and trying to make out the marks. It does appear to have a worked edge. It seems to have a flat uniform rim that is about a half inch across. I think it is cuprous, but not the same alloy as the nail. If the item is a piece of a larger object, which I believe it is, and the circumference is similar to the worked edge on this piece, the entire object would be something like 3.5 inches in diameter.
Below are pictures of the outside edge (top) and inner, apparently broken inner edge I(bottom).
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Two Edges of Cuprous Object. |
This is another one that when I first saw it in the sand I thought might be a cob. I think it is a cuprous, but not the same alloy as the nail and rivet.
I found what could possibly be another piece of the same object on Wednesday. Here it is.
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A Slightly Larger Broken Cuprous Piece. |
This one seems to be made of the same material, although the lighting and amount of crust obscures that fact. Unlike the other piece, all the edges of this one are broken. It could be an inner piece of the same object the other piece came from. I don't know if it is a piece of the same thing or not, but that is something I'll consider as a possibility and watch for any more matching pieces.
The items I discussed today may not be very interesting, and they are certainly not valuable, but to me they are interesting. I am pretty sure they provide some helpful clues. Time will tell how useful those clues will be. They definitely helped me learn more about the metal detector I was using.
It is like you have some puzzle pieces and don't know how many belong to the same puzzle. It is still fun to see how much you can put together.
I'll try to get around to cleaning some cobs soon.
The surf will be a little smaller tomorrow and for the next few days.
The primary swell will be ENE.
Happy hunting,